Title: 09-35

CSL Letter Types

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CSL Regulation Parts

CSL Issuance Date


The CPO of a commodity pool with the majority of its assets embroiled in a bankruptcy requested relief from the ongoing reporting requirements under Part 4. The CPO filed an Annual Report for the Pool for the 2008 fiscal year, which contained information regarding the bankruptcy. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a), but conditioned such relief on the following representations being made to the Commission and participants: the Pool has ceased trading; the pertinent facts regarding the bankruptcy and the frozen assets, including, but not limited to, the value of the assets, the percentage of the Pool’s NAV that the frozen assets represent, and the date upon which the bankruptcy petition was filed; the pertinent facts regarding the value of any assets presently being held by the Pool that have not been distributed to participants and the reasons for their retention; a representation that no additional fees will be deducted from the assets held by the Pool; the pertinent facts regarding the disposition of any income generated by the assets held by the Pool, if any; a representation regarding whether any assets have been distributed to participants; a representation regarding how payouts from the bankruptcy estate will be distributed to participants; i.e., whether distributions will be made as funds are received from the bankruptcy estate or whether payouts will be retained by the Pool until the final payout is received from the estate; a representation regarding any write down of the value of the claim against the bankruptcy estate; a representation regarding the distribution of assets on a pro rata basis to participants; and a representation that the financial information contained in the Pool’s liquidation report remains accurate. Additionally, DCIO required that the CPO make a final disclosure to the Commission and participants upon the final disbursement of the Pool’s assets.