Title: 14-28

CSL Letter Types

CSL Divisions

CSL Regulation Parts

CSL Tags

CSL Issuance Date


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight (Division) took a CPO registration no-action position with respect to the operation of certain collective trading vehicles by either of two corporations (A and B) entirely controlled by a non-profit corporation (C) that is the coordinating organization for a denomination’s churches. The collective trading vehicles would commingle assets of church plans (within the definition of Regulation 4.5) associated with the denomination’s churches, together with endowments and other assets of certain non- profit corporations entirely controlled by C. Although the collective trading vehicles would be pools, the Division believed that requiring CPO registration would serve no substantial regulatory purpose because persons who would be subject to background checks and proficiency examinations would already have been vetted and hired by A, B or C, and because any Disclosure Document would be delivered by A or B to the other or to C.