To report Misconduct by a Market Participant, please use the button below:
Report Misconduct by a Market Participant
Reporting CFTC Employee or Contractor Misconduct or Retaliation
Confidentiality/Anonymity Statement:
Visits to this website are not tracked and submissions may be anonymous. You are encouraged to assist the OIG by providing your contact information. The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, requires the OIG to keep the identities of any federal employee who provides information confidential. The Inspector General is authorized to disclose employee identities if it is unavoidable during the course of an investigation, including any disclosures which are necessary to bring disciplinary action. |
The OIG has the authority to investigate violations of laws, rules, regulations, and other misconduct by CFTC staff, contractors, consultants, or any person or entity involved in alleged wrongdoing affecting the CFTC's programs and operations.
Employees, contractors, and members of the public may report any instance of fraud, waste, and abuse at CFTC.
The most expedient and secure way to file a report of alleged misconduct is the complete an online submission.
For your convenience an online form is found at the button below and will capture and transmit your information directly to the OIG Hotline Database:
Report Misconduct by a CFTC Employee or Contractor
Reporting All Other Misconduct
The additional reporting options, below, may be filed with the OIG, the other entities described, or both.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in violation of federal EEO laws or CFTC policy, contact the CFTC’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion.
Hatch Act
If you believe someone violated the Hatch Act, a federal law that limits certain political activities of federal employees and others, contact the Office of Special Counsel at (800) 85-HATCH,, or
If you are a current federal employee, former federal employee, or applicant for federal employment and believe you have been subjected to whistleblower retaliation by a Federal official for making a protected disclosure involving CFTC programs, operations, personnel, or funding, contact the Office of Special Counsel at (202) 804-7000,, or