The Commission requests $73 million for services and $21.8 million for FTE in support of the following priorities;
- Surveillance:
- Data Standards
- Continue working with domestic and international regulators, as well as industry to define data standards and improve data quality.
- Swaps Data Management
- Enhance the CFTC data warehouse to facilitate rapid access to large volumes of raw market data to fuel detection engines.
- Automate and streamline special call data collection activities to surveillance latency and initiate enforcement actions more quickly.
- Continue automation of SDR and DCO data collection.
- Position and Transaction Surveillance
- Adopt new analytic tools to link hedge exemption data with end of day and intraday trading data.
- Implement surveillance tools used by SROs and integrate capabilities of SROs into operational prototypes.
- OTC Risk Management
- Develop and implement risk metrics.
- Implement risk surveillance software to analyze and stress test risks.
- Market and Data Analytics
- Reduce the latency of processing market data for analysis.
- Support additional public transparency reporting.
- Order Message Data Management
- Process specific product and time-based message data to facilitate analysis and investigations.
- Expand number of facilities providing order messages and the frequency of processing as required for market and financial surveillance, economic analysis, and enforcement requirements.
- Unified Reporting and Data Discovery
- Complete phased implementation of a Unified Reporting environment, improving reporting on data using a unified framework and frame of reference. Improve ad-hoc reporting capabilities. Decommission legacy reporting systems.
- Implement data discovery tools that will allow staff to more easily detect market anomalies.
- Other Mission Support:
- Registration and Compliance, Product Review and Assessment.
- Continue and improve registration and examination activities related to registrants, including data management and standards reviews and data audits.
- OPERA (Organizations, Products, Events, Rules and Actions) and PARIS (Participant Information Suite). Continue the phased development of a rule-based workflow engine to allow for the direct registration of entities, registration of FBOTs, submission of rules and products, and requests for Commission actions or interpretations and flow information directly into internal Commission systems. Implement workflow-based and event-based data provision to external participants. Implement new functionalities identified during phased development and deployment in FY 2013.
- Online Participant Portal. Continue the implementation of an online submission and communication portal to provide industry users with an account-specific view of their submissions. Provide feedback to industry with two-way communications. Implement new functionalities identified during phased development and deployment in FY 2013.
- eForms. Continue automating the receipt of forms from traders, reporting firms, and exchanges to improve data quality and decrease industry and CFTC costs.
- Implement analytic software for product reviews and assessments.
- Implement monitoring of swaps mandated for clearing.
- Examinations
- Support effective use of OPERA and PARIS, the Online Participant Portal, and SharePoint collaboration sites for examinations and rule enforcement reviews.
- Legal and Economic Analysis
- Increase use of SharePoint collaboration sites for legal support activities.
- Enforcement:
- Complete expansion of case management component to support enterprise-wide case management and integrate surveillance referrals into the enforcement process.
- Data Infrastructure:
- Begin migrating production operations to a secure private cloud-based off-site location.
- Continue the phased implementation of High Performance Computing (HPC). This initiative uses parallel processing to run CFTCs advanced application programs efficiently, reliably and quickly. HPC will enable the commission to run advanced analytics in its surveillance and enforcement areas.
- Continue the technology refreshment of staff computing resources and the deployment of a virtual desktop environment for improved business continuity.
- Management and Administrative Support:
- Implement Lexis integration with office automation tools.
- Streamline records, document management and correspondence tracking processes.