Companies and individuals who handle customer funds, solicit or accept orders, or give trading advice must apply for CFTC registration through the NFA, a registered futures association and an SRO with delegated authority from the Commission.
The Commission regulates the activities of 62,958 registrants.
Registration Category1 | Number Registered |
Associated Persons (APs) (Salespersons) | 51,068 |
Commodity Pool Operators (CPOs) | 1,172 |
Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) | 2,470 |
Floor Brokers (FBs) | 5,650 |
Floor Traders (FTs) | 1,102 |
Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs) | 128 |
Retail Foreign Exchange Dealers (RFEDs) | 14 |
Introducing Brokers (IBs) | 1,354 |
Swap Dealers (SDs)2 | 0 |
Major Swap Participants (MSPs)3 | 0 |
Total | 62,958 |
1 A person who is registered in more than one registration category is counted in each category. (back to text)
2 New registration category proposed by the Commission for certain entities engaged in swap transactions at 75 Fed. Reg. 71379 (November 23, 2010). (back to text)
3 New registration category proposed by the Commission for certain entities engaged in swap transactions at 75 Fed. Reg. 71379 (November 23, 2010). (back to text)