
Title: 12-51


Clarification of Division of Market Oversight No-Action Letter 12-04 (July 17, 2012), and Extension of No-Action Relief for Non-Clearing Member Swap Dealers from Large Swap Trader Reporting Requirements of Section 20.4 of the Commission’s Regulations.


Title: 12-04


Staff No-Action Relief: Temporary Relief for Non-Clearing Member Swap Dealers from the Requirements of § 20.4 of the Commission’s Regulations Regarding Large Swaps Trader Reporting for Physical Commodities.


Title: 12-02


Staff No-Action Relief: Temporary Relief for Clearing Members from the Requirements of Ownership-Level Reporting of § 20.4 of the Commission’s Regulations Regarding Large Swaps Trader Reporting for Physical Commodities.


Title: 11-08


The Division of Market Oversight issued a letter granting no-action relief to the Natural Gas Exchange Inc. (“NGX”) and its clearing members in connection with the reporting requirements of new part 20 of the Commission’s regulations. Pursuant to the relief, NGX can itself submit the information required of its clearing members for all cleared positions, in fulfillment of the clearing members’ reporting requirements with respect to cleared positions under regulations 20.4 and 20.5(a).