
Title: 14-05


North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. (Nadex) requested interpretative guidance concerning certain provisions of the Commission’s Part 39 regulations applicable to derivatives clearing organizations due to the unique nature of Nadex’s business model.


Title: 14-04


North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. (Nadex) requested exemptive relief from certain provisions of the Commission’s Part 39 regulations applicable to derivatives clearing organizations due to the unique nature of Nadex’s business model.


Title: 14-01


Extension of No-Action Relief: Transaction-Level Requirements for Non-U.S. Swap Dealers


Title: 13-87


To give the Commission sufficient time to review the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc.’s proposed rule changes to comply with Regulation 39.33(c), which were filed on December 19, 2013, the staff of the Division of Clearing and Risk issued a letter to Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. for time limited no-action relief for failing to comply with such regulation.


Title: 13-83


Time-Limited No-Action Relief from Certain Regulations Applicable to Swap Dealers During Pendency of De-Registration Application


Title: 13-74


The Division of Clearing and Risk issued a letter stating that it will not recommend that the Commission take enforcement action against Singapore Exchange Derivatives Clearing Limited (SGX-DC) clearing members for failing to comply with the Commodity Exchange Act Section 4d(f)(1) registration requirements in carrying existing positions and accepting for clearing offsetting positions in certain commodity swaps for U.S. customers; or SGX-DC for engaging in activities related to its clearing members carrying and accepting for clearing such positions for U.S. customers.


Title: 13-73


Extension of a Time-Limited No-Action Relief to Japan Securities Clearing Corporation and Its Qualifying Participants and Affiliates concerning Sections 5b(a) and 2(h)(1)(A) of the Commodity Exchange Act.


Title: 13-71


Time-limited no-action relief for Non-U.S. SDs with respect to compliance with Transaction-Level Requirements when entering into Covered Transactions, until January 14, 2014.


Title: 13-66


Time-Limited No-Action Relief for (1) Futures Commission Merchants from Requirement to Comply with Commission Regulations 1.73(a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii); and (2) Temporarily Registered Swap Execution Facilities from Requirement to Comply with Commission Regulation 37.702(b).


Title: 13-62


Additionally, in order for a SEF to avail itself of the no-action relief, the SEF must submit to the Commission by October 10, 2013: (1) Pursuant to Commission Regulation 40.6, any rule amendments that are necessary for full compliance with Commission Regulation 37.702(b), and any rule amendments that are necessary to facilitate full compliance with Commission Regulation 1.73(a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii), in accordance with the guidance issued by the Divisions on September 26, 2013 (Staff Guidance); and (2) A written representation that the SEF is undertaking all steps necessary to fully comply