
Title: 24-06


DMO is extending a time-limited no-action position with respect to the compliance date for the November 25, 2020 amendments to certain rules pertaining to block sizes and cap sizes in Part 43.


Title: 20-38


Time-limited no action relief for DTCC SDR and registered entities and swap counterparties reporting swaps to DTCC SDR from certain portions of Part 45, 46 and 49 of the Commission's regulations.


Title: 15-66


Proper reporting of swaps is an important obligation of SDs and MSPs. Firms should ensure that they have the systems and controls to properly report and to timely identify and correct any errors. Firms should periodically test their systems to ensure that the information is being properly transmitted. Further, any changes in systems that could have an effect on proper reporting should be tested and verified prior to any such changes.