Title: 22-08
Withdrawal of No-Action relief provided to Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, to operate a not-for-profit market for event contracts, and to offer event contracts to U.S. persons.
Withdrawal of No-Action relief provided to Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, to operate a not-for-profit market for event contracts, and to offer event contracts to U.S. persons.
The Division of Clearing and Risk (“DCR”) recently received several inquiries regarding the implementation of amendments to Regulation 39.13(g)(8)(ii) that the Commission adopted on January 27, 2020 with a compliance date of January 27, 2021.
Approval letter issued to the National Futures Association with regard to Swap Dealer captial model requirements and review program.
Confirmation that Eurex Clearing AG has demonstrated compliance with the straight-through-processing requirements of Regulation 39.12(b)(7) and approval of certain Eurex rules.
Clarification on language in CFTC Staff Letter No. 13-51.