
Title: 22-03


DOD is taking a time-limited no-action position with respect to the compliance dates for the November 25, 2020 amendments to certain of the swap data reporting rules in Parts 43, 45, 46, and 49.


Title: 21-26


MPD is providing relief to swap dealers from registration de minimis requirements, uncleared swap margin rules, business conduct requirements, confirmation, documentation, and reconciliation requirements, and certain other eligibility requirements. This relief is to help facilitate the orderly transition from swaps that reference the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other interbank offered rates to swaps that reference alternative benchmarks. (ARRC No-Action Relief Extension Request)


Title: 21-24


Extension of No-action relief letters 20-39 and 21-17 which were granted to ensure the continued availability, following Brexit, of regulatory relief under certain existing CFTC comparability determinations and exemption orders originally issued by the CFTC for EU entities, while CFTC staff undertakes an analysis of UK law in order to make appropriate recommendations of comparability or exemption to the CFTC.


Title: 21-22


Time-Limited No-Action Position for Registered Swap Dealer to use Models to Compute Market Risk and Credit Risk Capital Charges In Lieu of Standardized Charges (JFSI No-Action Request)


Title: 21-18


Time Limited No Action relief from regulation 23.105(p) for certain alternative financial reporting by SDs subject to the capital requirements of a prudential regulator.