Title: 24-13
Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Position for Certain Foreign Based Nonbank Swap Dealers Domiciled in the European Union and the United Kingdom
Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Position for Certain Foreign Based Nonbank Swap Dealers Domiciled in the European Union and the United Kingdom
Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Position for Foreign Based Nonbank Swap Dealers domiciled in Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the European Union
Letter of Non-Compliance and related Temporary No-Action Position for StoneX Markets LLC with regard to Certain Capital Requirements (SXM No-Action Request)
Time-Limited No-Action Position for Registered Swap Dealer to use Models to Compute Market Risk and Credit Risk Capital Charges In Lieu of Standardized Charges (JFSI No-Action Request)
Time-Limited No-Action Position for Registered Swap Dealer to use Models to Compute Credit Risk Capital Charges In Lieu of Standardized Charges. (NGFP No-Action Request)
Advisory to SDs indicating they are not required to obtain approval to use a model to calculate the initial margin on uncleared swaps for purposes of determining the SD’s minimum capital requirement under Commission regulations.