
Title: 09-33


The CPO of two pools in a master-feeder structure requested stub period relief due to the liquidation of the feeder fund. Rather than file a 12-month annual report, the CPO requested permission to file an 18-month report. Pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a), the Division granted the relief requested.


Title: 09-31


The CPO of a pool requested permission to file a 15-month annual report for the period from October 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009 due to a change in the pool’s fiscal year end. Pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a), DCIO granted the relief requested.


Title: 09-30


The CPO of commodity pool requested relief to use IFRS in lieu of US GAAP. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-26


The CPO of commodity pool requested relief to use IFRS in lieu of US GAAP. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-25


The CPO of commodity pool with no participants and less than $1,XXX in total assets requested relief from Commission Regulation 4.22(d), which requires certification of the pool’s annual report. The pool’s sole participant redeemed his entire interest of $3XX,XXX in June of 2008, and the pool retained funds solely for the purpose of keeping open two checking and savings accounts. The CPO submitted a signed waiver from the pool’s participant consenting to the exemption from the certified annual relief requirement. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-24


The CPO of a commodity pool that liquidated at the close of the 2008 fiscal year requested relief from Commission Regulation 4.22 (d), which requires certification of the pool’s annual report. The pool had, at the time of liquidation, $2,XXX,XXX in total assets and nine participants. The CPO submitted signed waivers from each of the pool’s participants consenting to the exemption from the certified annual relief requirement. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-23


The CPO of a commodity pool requested relief from Commission Regulation 4.22 (d), which requires certification of the pool’s annual report. The pool had only one participant, who was proprietary, until September of 2008, when the pool added a second participant, who was not proprietary. The pool’s total capital contributions amounted to $2,XXX,XXX, 77.5% of which was from the non-proprietary participant. The CPO submitted signed waivers from each of the pool’s participants consenting to the exemption from the certified annual relief requirement.


Title: 09-22


The CPO of a commodity pool that commenced operations in September of 2008 requested relief from Commission Regulation 4.22 (d), which requires certification of the pool’s annual report. The pool had only eight participants, total capital contributions of $3XX,XXX and, as of the close of its fiscal year, $6X,XXX in net asset value. The CPO submitted signed waivers from each of the pool’s participants consenting to the exemption from the certified annual relief requirement.


Title: 09-21


The CPO of a commodity pool that commenced operations in July of 2008 requested relief from Commission Regulation 4.22 (d), which requires certification of the pool’s annual report. The pool had only three participants, net capital contributions of $1XX,XXX and, as of the close of its fiscal year, $8X,XXX in total assets. The CPO submitted signed waivers from each of the pool’s participants consenting to the exemption from the certified annual relief requirement.


Title: 09-20


The CPO of a commodity pool that commenced operations in August of 2008 requested relief from Commission Regulation 4.22 (d), which requires certification of the pool’s annual report. The pool had only four participants (only one of whom was non-proprietary), net capital contributions of $3XX,XXX and, as of the close of its fiscal year, $3XX,XXX in total assets. The CPO submitted signed waivers from each of the pool’s participants consenting to the exemption from the certified annual relief requirement. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).