
Title: 13-86


The CFTC’s Division of Market Oversight has issued a no-action letter in connection with certain CDS trades executed pursuant to a DCO’s CDS Settlement Price Process, providing time-limited no-action relief to DCOs and their Clearing Members from the SEF Registration Requirement and Trading Mandate under Part 37, and from various reporting requirements under Part 45, allowing the DCO to fulfill the Reporting Counterparty’s Obligations.


Title: 13-75


CFTC’s Division of Market Oversight Issues Time-Limited No-Action Relief from Certain Requirements of Part 45 and Part 46 of the Commission’s Regulations, for Certain Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants Established under the Laws of Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan or Switzerland.


Title: 13-71


Time-limited no-action relief for Non-U.S. SDs with respect to compliance with Transaction-Level Requirements when entering into Covered Transactions, until January 14, 2014.


Title: 13-69


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight (DSIO) issued an Advisory on the applicability of Dodd-Frank Transaction-Level Requirements to swaps between non-U.S. swap dealers (whether an affiliate or not of a U.S. person) and non-U.S. persons if the swap is arranged, negotiated, or executed by personnel or agents of the non-U.S. swap dealer located in the U.S.


Title: 13-68


CFTC’s Division of Market Oversight Issues Extension of Certain Time-Limited No-Action Relief Regarding Swap Execution Facilities Provided by CFTC No-Action Letter Nos. 13-55 (amended), 13-56 and 13-58 for Swaps in the Foreign Exchange Asset Class.


Title: 13-56


Time Limited No-Action Relief for Reporting Counterparties from Certain Continuation Data Reporting Requirements of Section 45.4 of the Commission’s Regulations with respect to Uncleared Swaps Executed on or Pursuant to the Rules of a Temporarily Registered Swap Execution Facility.


Title: 13-55


Time-Limited No-Action Relief for Temporarily Registered Swap Execution Facilities from Certain Swap Data Reporting Requirements of Parts 43 and 45 of the Commission’s Regulations.


Title: 13-51


Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight issued a no-action letter stating that it will not recommend that the Commission take enforcement action against commodity pool operators of registered funds for failure to provide a separate report for their controlled foreign corporations to the National Futures Association pursuant to Commission regulation 4.27(c) and a separate annual report for their controlled foreign corporations to the National Futures Association pursuant to Commission regulation 4.22(c); provided that such commodity pool operators consolidate the reporting for the


Title: 13-41


Time-Limited No-Action Relief Permitting Part 45 and Part 46 Reporting Counterparties to Mask Legal Entity Identifiers, Other Enumerated Identifiers and Other Identifying Terms and Permitting Part 20 Reporting Entities to Mask Identifying Information, with respect to certain Enumerated Jurisdictions.


Title: 13-36


Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Relief for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants from the Reporting Requirements of Part 45 for CDS Clearing-Related Swaps.