
Title: 15-25


The Division of Market Oversight is issuing a no-action letter that extends No-Action Letter 14-108 and continues to provide relief from (1) the requirement that a SEF obtain documents that are incorporated by reference in confirmations issued under Commission Regulation 37.6(b) prior to issuing the confirmation, and (2) the requirement that a SEF maintain such documents as records. In addition, the division is providing relief from the requirement set forth in Commission Regulation 45.3(a) that SEFs report terms contained in the agreements that are confirmation data.


Title: 15-24


The Division of Market Oversight and the Division of Clearing and Risk are issuing a no-action letter that provides relief similar to that provided in No-Action Letters 13-66 and 14-50 by permitting swap execution facilities (SEFs) and designated contract markets (DCMs) to address clerical or operational errors that cause a swap to be rejected from clearing. The relief provided in this letter also permits SEFs and DCMS to address clerical or operational errors discovered after a swap has been cleared.


Title: 15-22


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight took a CPO and CTA registration no-action position with respect to the use of wholly-owned United States subsidiaries by a Canadian company to participate in commodity pools organized and operated in the United States. The Canadian company is the real estate investment subsidiary of an entity formed by a Canadian province to invest assets of pension and insurance plans.


Title: 15-21


No-Action Relief is provided to swap dealers from compliance with certain Commission regulations related to business conduct standards with counterparties and swap trading relationship documentation when entering into swaps with certain special purpose vehicles in existence prior to October 10, 2013.


Title: 15-15


The no-action letter gives relief from the timing requirements of 3.3(f)(2) for filing the Chief Compliance Officer Annual Report. The relief gives an additional 30 days to file the report.


Title: 15-05


Extension of time-limited no-action relief with respect to certain Commodity Exchange Act provisions that may apply to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. and/or its participants


Title: 15-04


Extension of conditional time-limited no-action relief for Yieldbroker Pty Limited with regard to Section 5h(a)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission Regulation 37.3(a)(1) until May 15, 2015.


Title: 15-03


The Division of Market Oversight (DMO) is issuing a no-action letter that provides additional time for reporting parties to comply with certain reporting requirements of the ownership and control final rule (the OCR Final Rule), which was published in the Federal Register on November 18, 2013. This no-action letter replaces a previous DMO no-action letter on the OCR Final Rule (CFTC Letter No. 14-95).


Title: 15-02


Request for No-Action Relief for Introducing Brokers’ Compliance with Certain Financial Reporting and Capital Computation Requirements under Regulations 1.10 and 1.17.


Title: 15-01


Time-Limited Extension of the No-Action Relief Provided in CFTC Letter No. 13-41 regarding the reporting of identifying information under Parts 20, 45 and 46.