
Title: 15-44


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO to permit the CPO to provide monthly account statements to a pool’s participants within 45 days of the month end rather than quarterly account statement within 30 days of the quarter end pursuant to Commission regulation 4.7(b)(2).


Title: 15-37


No-Action Relief from Introducing Broker and Commodity Trading Advisor registration for persons located outside the United States in connection with certain activities for customers that are International Financial Institutions.


Title: 15-36


Exemptive relief that was provided in CFTC Staff Letter 14-49 was granted with respect to: (1) additional proprietary commodity pools operated by a CPO referenced in that letter; and (2) a proprietary commodity pool operated by another CPO referenced in that letter. The CPOs provided the same representations provided in CFTC Staff Letter 14-49 and represented that they would comply with the conditions of the relief provided in that letter.


Title: 15-35


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO of a pool from the audit requirements of Commission regulation 4.22(d) with respect to the financial statements in the 2014 annual report of the pool. The participants in the pool are the COO of the CPO and the COO’s self-directed IRA and the CPO has provided waivers from the participants.


Title: 15-34


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO of a pool from the audit requirements of Commission regulation 4.22(d) with respect to the financial statements in the annual reports of the pool. The participants in the pool are three charitable remainder trusts formed by the sole owner and CEO of the CPO, who is also the sole income beneficiary of the trusts. The trustee of the trusts is the President of the CPO. The CPO has provided a waiver from the trustee.


Title: 15-32


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO of certain segregated series of a pool that began operations in July 2014 from the audit requirements of Commission regulation 4.22(d) with respect to the financial statements in the 2014 annual reports of the segregated series. Each segregated series has one participant and the CPO has provided waivers from the participant in each segregated series.


Title: 15-31


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO of a segregated portfolio of a pool from the audit requirements of Commission regulation 4.22(d)with respect to the financial statements in the 2014 annual report of the segregated portfolio. The CPO has provided a waiver from the sole participant of the segregated portfolio.


Title: 15-23


The CPO of a commodity pool operated pursuant to an exemption under Regulation 4.7 requested exemptive relief from the annual report requirement in Regulation 4.7(b)(3) to allow the CPO to file an annual report for the pool for the period from January 1, 2014, through January 31, 2015. The CPO determined in January 2015 to wind up the pool’s operations. By January 31, the pool had permanently ceased trading and completed the winding up process by making its final distributions to the pool’s seven participants, all of whom consented by waiver to receive a 13-month annual report.


Title: 15-22


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight took a CPO and CTA registration no-action position with respect to the use of wholly-owned United States subsidiaries by a Canadian company to participate in commodity pools organized and operated in the United States. The Canadian company is the real estate investment subsidiary of an entity formed by a Canadian province to invest assets of pension and insurance plans.


Title: 15-20


The CPO of a commodity pool operated pursuant to an exemption under Regulation 4.7 requested exemptive relief from the annual report requirement in Regulation 4.7(b)(3) to allow the CPO to file a 14-month annual report for the pool for the period from November 3, 2014, the date the CPO began operations, through December 31, 2015. DSIO granted relief pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93 conditioned upon the future filing and distribution of a certified Annual Report for the period from November 3, 2014 to December 31, 2015.