
Title: 12-07


The Division of Market Oversight issued an interpretation addressing whether, under Part 151 of the Commission’s regulations, an electric company may treat as bona fide hedging transactions certain derivative transactions that reduce the price risk associated with its unfilled anticipated requirements for natural gas, even though it has entered into some long-term, firm purchases of natural gas at an unfixed price.


Title: 12-06


Staff No-Action Relief: Temporary Relief for Persons Eligible for the Trade Option Exemption from the Requirements of §§ 32.3(b) and 32.3(c)(1), (3), (4) and (5) of the Commission’s Regulations.


Title: 12-05


Staff No-Action Relief: Temporary Relief from the Aggregation Requirements of the Commission’s Rule Regarding Position Limits for Futures and Swaps.


Title: 12-04


Staff No-Action Relief: Temporary Relief for Non-Clearing Member Swap Dealers from the Requirements of § 20.4 of the Commission’s Regulations Regarding Large Swaps Trader Reporting for Physical Commodities.


Title: 12-02


Staff No-Action Relief: Temporary Relief for Clearing Members from the Requirements of Ownership-Level Reporting of § 20.4 of the Commission’s Regulations Regarding Large Swaps Trader Reporting for Physical Commodities.


Title: 11-09


DCR, DSIO and DMO issued a no-action letter that modifies the temporary, no-action relief previously issued by DCIO and DMO from certain self-effectuating provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and the CEA that took effect on July 16, 2011, but that require further definition and may not be eligible for the exemptive relief provided by an order issued by the Commission on July 14, 2011 pursuant to section 4(c) of the CEA (July 14 Order).


Title: 11-08


The Division of Market Oversight issued a letter granting no-action relief to the Natural Gas Exchange Inc. (“NGX”) and its clearing members in connection with the reporting requirements of new part 20 of the Commission’s regulations. Pursuant to the relief, NGX can itself submit the information required of its clearing members for all cleared positions, in fulfillment of the clearing members’ reporting requirements with respect to cleared positions under regulations 20.4 and 20.5(a).


Title: 11-04


DCIO and DMO issued a no-action letter that provides temporary, no-action relief from certain self-effectuating provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and the CEA that otherwise would take effect on July 16, 2011, but that require further definition and may not be eligible for the exemptive relief provided by the order issued by the Commission on July 14, 2011 pursuant to section 4(c) of the CEA.


Title: 11-02


The Division of Market Oversight issued a letter granting no-action relief to permit the Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd. (OSE), to make its electronic trading and order matching system, the OSE Trading System (OSE-TS or J-GATE), available to OSE Transaction Participants (TP or Remote TP) in the U.S. without obtaining contract market designation or registration as a derivatives transaction execution facility pursuant to Sections 5 and 5a of the CEAct.


Title: 10-26


The Division of Market Oversight issued a no-action letter to the IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. (ICE) confirming that the Division will not recommend that the Commission initiate enforcement action against ICE for failure to provide a written demonstration of compliance with the significant price discovery contracts (SPDC) core principle regime within 30 days of issuance of the Commission’s order deeming the Mid-C, PJM, and SP-15 contracts as SPDCs if ICE provides a written demonstration of compliance with the core principle regime for the three contracts by August 18, 2010.