
Title: 09-37


The Division of Market Oversight issued a letter amending the no-action relief granted November 12, 1999, permitting the International Petroleum Exchange of London Limited (now ICE Futures Europe) to make its electronic trading and order matching system available to its members in the US without obtaining contract market designation pursuant to Sections 5 and 5a of the CEA.


Title: 08-18


The Division of Market Oversight issued a letter granting no-action relief to permit the Brazilian Derivatives Exchange, BM&F Bovespa S.A. – Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&F), to make its electronic trading and order matching system (GTS) available to persons that have been authorized to directly access GTS from the United States without obtaining contract market designation or registration as a derivatives transaction execution facility pursuant to Sections 5 and 5a of the Commodity Exchange Act, respectively.