
Title: 24-08


The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Market Oversight (DMO) and Division of Data (DOD) take a no-action position regarding certain Part 43 and Part 45 swap reporting obligations in relation to the


Title: 24-06


DMO is extending a time-limited no-action position with respect to the compliance date for the November 25, 2020 amendments to certain rules pertaining to block sizes and cap sizes in Part 43.


Title: 23-10


No-action position from CPO/CTA registration granted to an entity that uses foreign exchange swaps in managing the risks of its biopharmaceutical royalties business.


Title: 23-09


The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Market Oversight (DMO) and Division of Data (DOD) take a no-action position regarding certain Part 43 and Part 45 swap reporting obligations in relation to the cessation or non-representativeness of USD LIBOR and other rates on June 30, 2023.


Title: 23-05


The Division of Market Oversight (“Division” or “DMO”) of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC” or “Commission”) is providing a no-action position regarding the requirements in section 2(h)(8) of the Commodity Exchange Act (“CEA” or “Act”) and Commission regulation 37.9, for credit default swaps (“CDS”) that are executed for the sole purpose of migrating open CDS positions from ICE Clear Europe Ltd. (“ICEU”) to a new central clearing counterparty (“CCP”) ahead of ICEU’s planned discontinuation of CDS clearing services in October 2023.


Title: 21-12


Relief under Parts 43 and 45 to entities submitting swaps for clearing by derivatives clearing organizations (DCOs) operating under CFTC exemptive orders or no-action relief provided by CFTC staff.


Title: 21-11


Relief from Part 43 and 45 reporting, as well as related sections of Parts 38 and 39, for binary options executed on or pursuant to the rules of Kalshi and cleared through LedgerX.


Title: 20-45


No-action letter extending relief from section 2(h)(8) of the Commodity Exchange Act for any eligible affiliate counterparty that executes a swap transaction with another eligible affiliate counterparty


Title: 20-22


DCR is extending the relief provided by CFTC Letter No. 20-13 and will not recommend that the Commission take enforcement action against the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) for failure to comply with the swap clearing requirement until the earlier of: (i) December 31, 2020, at 11:59 pm (Eastern Time); or (ii) the effective date of final Commission action applicable to swaps entered into by ESM that would otherwise be subject to the Commission’s clearing requirement.