
Title: 15-09


The CPO of three commodity pools operating pursuant to an exemption under Regulation 4.7 requested exemptive relief from the annual report requirement in Regulation 4.7(b)(3) to permit it to file an Annual Report for the pools for the period from their inception of trading, September 2, 2014, to December 31, 2015. The pool participants signed subscription documents, acknowledging the terms of the Pools’ offering memorandum, which included the CPO’s intent to file and distribute a 16-month Annual Report for the Pools’ first fiscal year.


Title: 15-08


The CPO of a commodity pool operated pursuant to an exemption under Regulation 4.7 requested exemptive relief from the requirement in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d)(1) that the financial statements in the pool’s annual report be audited. At the end of the 2014 fiscal year, the pool had just two participants, who are the partners of the CPO.


Title: 15-07


The CPO of a commodity pool operated pursuant to an exemption under Regulation 4.7 requested exemptive relief from the requirement in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d)(1) that the financial statements in the pool’s annual report be audited. At the end of the 2014 fiscal year, the pool had two participants, a controlling principal of the CPO who oversees the daily operations of both the CPO and the pool, and an LLC owned and managed by the principal.


Title: 15-06


The CPO of a commodity pool operated pursuant to an exemption under Regulation 4.7 requested exemptive relief from the requirement in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d)(1) that the financial statements in the pool’s annual report be audited. At the end of the 2014 fiscal year, the pool had four participants, a controlling principal of the CPO who oversees the daily operations of both the CPO and the pool; two entities owned and managed by the principal; and one outside investor.


Title: 14-99


Exemption from requirement that a pool’s financial statement be audited by independent public accountants.


Title: 14-98


Exemption from requirement that a pool’s financial statement be audited by independent public accountants.


Title: 14-97


Exemption from requirement that a pool’s financial statement be audited by independent public accountants.


Title: 14-65


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight granted exemptive relief pursuant to Commission regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93 to a commodity pool operator (the “CPO”) of a commodity pool operating pursuant to an exemption under Commission regulation 4.7 that has only two participants, both of which have discretionary investment authority over a portion of the commodity pool’s portfolio according to a plan establishing by the CPO’s control affiliate’s Chief Investment Officer and one of which is also a part owner of the CPO and its control affiliate, from the requirement to have an i


Title: 14-64


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight granted exemptive relief pursuant to Commission regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93 to a commodity pool operator of two commodity pools operating pursuant to an exemption under Commission regulation 4.7 that began operations in July 2013 from the requirement to distribute an annual report to the participants of each commodity pool and to have the financial statements in each commodity pool’s annual report be audited by an independent public accountant pursuant to Commission regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d) with respect to the annual report


Title: 14-63


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight granted exemptive relief pursuant to Commission regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93 to a commodity pool operator of a commodity pool operating pursuant to an exemption under Commission regulation 4.7 that undertook a significant change in its underlying strategy in 2013, subsequently gave its existing investors an opportunity to liquidate and suspended all fees beyond operational expenses, and began trading with the new models in the latter half of 2013, from the requirement to have an independent public accountant audit the financial statem