Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NODALCL Various Amendments to Nodal Clear Rules 06/06/2022 Certified 06/21/2022 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 017-23 related to the the conversion of remaining cleared legacy USD LIBOR-based IRS and basis swap trades to standard and liquid SOFR OIS trades before the fallback provisions are triggered 03/22/2023 Certified 04/05/2023 2
CME Notification to the Commission Regarding the Migration of Clearing and Settlement Systems to the Google Cloud Platform 06/14/2023 60 Day Review 06/14/2023 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 12 June 2017. 06/18/2017 Notified 06/18/2017 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 06/01/2018 Notified 06/01/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is proposing to adopt a new Futures & Options Capital-to-Margin And Shortfall Margin Policy. 03/22/2019 Certified 04/05/2019 2
ICECC ICC proposes to formalize the Counterparty Monitoring Procedures and the Credit Rating System Model Description and Parameterization. 11/04/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Manual of Operations 12/14/2021 Certified 12/29/2021 2
LCHSA CDSClear Risk refinements Phase 2 seeks to refine further CDSClear margins while ensuring that LCH.Clearnet risk standards continue to be met. This Submission relates to Lot 1 for which implementation date is expected early August 2015. 07/21/2015 Certified 08/03/2015 2
CME Expansion of Performance Bond Collateral Program to Include Mexican Government Debt and Issuance of CME Clearing Advisory Notice 02/23/2016 Certified 03/08/2016 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circualr 021-18 related to IRS Section 871(m) transactions 02/27/2018 Certified 03/13/2018 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 054-18 related to remove certain references to EMIR Risk Committee matters from the Clearing Conditions to eliminate redundancies 06/01/2018 Certified 06/15/2018 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 17 December 2018. 12/28/2018 Notified 12/28/2018 2
CME Request for Approval to Commingle Customer Positions and Related Collateral in Listed Options on Interest Rate Futures Contracts and Interest Rate Swaps 10/19/2020 Approved 12/04/2020 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend its Liquidity Management Procedures and Investment Management Procedures to make certain clarifications and updates 11/04/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
OCC Rule Certification Concerning OCC's Collateral Haircuts and Standards for Clearing Banks and Letters of Credit 01/19/2023 Certified 02/02/2023 3
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification corrections to the ForexClear Product Specific Contract Terms and Eligibility Criteria Manual and FCM Product Specific Contract Terms and Eligibility Criteria Manual. 01/06/2022 Certified 01/21/2022 3
ICLR US Amendment to internal Default Management Procedures 09/29/2016 Certified 10/14/2016 3
OCC OCC Rule Certification to Update Its Operational Loss Fee for 2022 12/15/2021 Certified 12/30/2021 3
ICECC ICC proposes amending Subchapter 26I of its Rules to provide for the clearance of additional Standard Western European Sovereign CDS contracts. 04/20/2015 Certified 05/04/2015 3
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self-Certification: Rates Reform - USD LIBOR fallback and conversion fees 01/20/2023 Certified 02/03/2023 3
LX Revisions to DCO Rulebook 03/15/2024 Certified 03/29/2024 3
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes changes to the ICC Rules, ICC End-of-Day Price Discovery Policies and Procedures, and ICC Risk Management Framework. 07/15/2019 Certified 09/13/2019 3
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe (ICEU) proposes rule changes to permit ICEU Clearing Members to post additional categories of securities, including treasury bills and floating rate and inflation-linked government bonds to ICEU as permitted cover. 02/26/2016 Certified 03/11/2016 3
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification revisions to align the provisions that address the change of interest rate for determining the Price Alignment Amount in the LCH FCM Procedures with those under LCH Procedure 2C. 11/08/2021 Certified 11/23/2021 3
ICECC The purpose of the proposed rule change is to amend Subchapter 26D of the ICC Rules to provide for the clearance of additional Standard Emerging Sovereign Single Name constituents of the CDX Emerging Markets Index. 08/12/2014 Certified 08/26/2014 3
ICLREU2 The purpose of the changes is to allow ICE Clear Europe F&O Clearing Members to provide qualifying high grade corporate and other non-sovereign or "semi-government" bonds to satisfy original margin requirements for the F&O product category. 02/29/2016 Certified 03/14/2016 3
LCHLTD LCH Limited is submitting for self-certification revisions to its rules to withdraw eligibility for certain swaps denominated in Singapore Dollar. 09/23/2022 Certified 10/07/2022 3
OCC Rule Certification by The Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Modifications to its Board Charter and Risk Committee Charter to Align with Recently Adopted CFTC Governance Requirements for Derivatives Clearing Organizations. 05/08/2024 Certified 05/22/2024 3
OCC Proposed rule change to update The Options Clearing Corporation's Operational Loss Fee pursuant to its Capital Management Policy 01/06/2021 Certified 01/21/2021 3
NODALCL Amendments to the Exchange and Clearing Transaction Fee Schedules for Nodal Exchange Environmental Futures and Options 01/10/2020 Certified 01/27/2020 3
LCHLTD LCH is submitting revisions to its rules to accommodate updates to templates provided by the trade association for emerging markets ("EMTA"). These templates include terms for inclusion in NDF and NDO Contract transactions. 09/30/2021 Certified 10/15/2021 3
LX LedgerX revised Rulebook 06/10/2021 Certified 06/24/2021 3
LX Amendments and changes to LedgerX's Rulebook, Operations Manual, and AML Policy in regards to changes in order types and expansion of operations to Singapore as previously discussed with DCR and DMO staff. 06/11/2018 Certified 06/25/2018 3
LX Revision of Compliance Manual 10/03/2022 Withdrawn 10/13/2022 3
NODALCL Amendments to Nodal Clear Rules to Accommodate Physical Settlement of Renewable Identification Numbers ("RINs") Contracts and Amendments to the Exchange and Clearing Transaction Fee Schedule 10/27/2020 Certified 11/10/2020 3
LX Submission of Revised BCDR Plan and Operations Manual 03/04/2020 Certified 03/18/2020 3
SGX-DC Introduction of Affiliate Segregation - Amendments to SGX-DC Clearing Rules and Futures Trading Rules. This is a modification of submission 1601-2712-1615-25. 04/15/2016 Certified 04/28/2016 3
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe proposes to modify certain provisions of its CDS Procedures and its Rules to account for an expected change in the DC Secretary for the Credit Derivatives Determinations Committees. 10/15/2018 Certified 10/26/2018 3
NODALCL CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Certification: Various Amendments to Nodal Clear Rules to Address Amendments to Part 39 of the Commission's Regulations 01/11/2021 Certified 01/26/2021 3
LCHSA LCH SA is proposing to amend its CDS Clearing Rules to permit the clearing of Markit iTraxx Australia indices and the associated single names consistituents and provide a remediation regarding the WWR margin instability. 07/01/2022 Certified 07/18/2022 3
ICLR US ICUS proposes to adopt amendments to its Rules relating to default management, recovery and wind-down following a clearing member default. 06/26/2017 Withdrawn 07/10/2017 3
ICECC ICE Clear Credit proposes updates to the ICC Initial Default Auction Procedures and the ICC Secondary Auction Procedures 12/11/2019 Certified 12/26/2019 3
NYMEX Natural Gas Options & Crude Refined Options Volume Incentive Program; 12-043 02/13/2012 Certified 02/29/2012 3
OCC Rule Certification by The Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Updates to Comprehensive Stress Testing & Clearing Fund Methodology, and Liquidity Risk Management Description and Rules 06/11/2024 Certified 06/26/2024 3
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited is amending its Auction Terms for F&O Default Auctions (the "Auction Terms") and F&O Default Management Policy (the "Policy"). 04/30/2020 Certified 05/13/2020 3
NODALCL Amendments to the Fee Schedules for Environmental Futures and Options 02/05/2019 Certified 02/20/2019 3
LX Revised operations manual 11/14/2017 Certified 11/29/2017 3
ICLREU2 Revision to ICE Clear Europe's Intraday Margin Policy to incorporate an overall clearing member limit for uncollateralized exposure. 08/25/2016 Certified 09/09/2016 3
ICLREU2 40.6(a) Rule Certification in respect of amendments to delivery procedures 04/30/2018 Certified 05/14/2018 3