Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
ICLR US Amendments to the ICE Clear U.S., Inc. Risk Management Framework - Removing and Replacing Certain Scenarios Used in Stress Tests - Submission Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission Regulation 40.6(a) 07/25/2022 Certified 08/08/2022 2
CME Migration of Open Interest from the Options on E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures - Quarterly PM (European-Style) Contract to the Weekly Options on E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Contract 12/13/2022 Certified 12/28/2022 2
CME New Chapter 10 and new Rule 1001 regarding swap data repository reporting; New submission amending submission 12-391. 12/06/2012 Approved 03/06/2013 2
CME Changes to Collateral Haircut Model 07/28/2017 Certified 08/11/2017 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 086-17 relating to introduction of FX Rolling Spot Futures 09/13/2017 Certified 09/27/2017 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 069-19 related to accepting U.S. dollar ("USD") as currency for initial margin payments under its LSOC model 07/09/2019 Certified 07/23/2019 2
ICLREU2 Changes to Clearing Rules (Part 7 & 8) - EDSP/ERCOT Rule changes 06/17/2022 Certified 07/01/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is retiring its Risk Identification Framework, which the Clearing House believes is outdated and has been superseded by other of the Clearing House's rules, policies, procedures and risk management practices. 12/06/2023 Certified 12/20/2023 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 24 July 2017. 07/30/2017 Notified 07/30/2017 2
EUREX Proposed rule changes in Eurex Clearing Circular 017-18 related to Eurex Bonds termination, editorial amendments, specifications for debt collateral, STM Model, charging of mistrade fees, and securities lending 02/13/2018 Certified 02/27/2018 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 21 January 2019. 01/31/2019 Notified 01/31/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 054-19 related to discontinuation of the Value Based Allocation Method within the Elementary Clearing Model and certain service fees and discounts in the Price List 05/29/2019 Certified 06/12/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 070-19 related to allowing non-U.S. Clearing Members to clear OTC IRD for U.S. Person Direct Clients that are affiliates and increasing the maximum number of Clearing Members for listed transactions 07/09/2019 Certified 07/23/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 2 April 2018. 04/12/2018 Notified 04/12/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Delivery Procedures to add a new Section 11 and a new Part FF to address delivery relating to the ICE NYH ULSD Futures Contracts and the NYH ULSHO Futures Contracts 07/10/2019 Certified 07/23/2019 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 06/17/2022 Notified 06/17/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend its Delivery Procedures to make certain clarifications and updates 11/04/2022 Certified 11/18/2022 2
LX Amendments to operations manual as previously discussed with DCR staff. 04/13/2018 Certified 04/27/2018 2
OCC Proposed rule change related to The Options Clearing Corporation's margin methodology for Volatility Index Futures. 04/30/2019 Certified 05/14/2019 2
LX Updated LedgerX Compliance Manual 07/10/2019 Certified 07/24/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 108-19 related to refreshing the OTC Interest Rate Derivatives Pricing Packages for 2020 and renewing the CCP Switch Incentive Program 11/21/2019 Certified 12/06/2019 2
ICE NGX Amendments to the ICE NGX Canada Inc. rules. 07/08/2021 Certified 07/22/2021 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 11/04/2022 Notified 11/04/2022 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 01/13/2023 Notified 01/13/2023 2
NYMEX NYMEX Energy Products Incentive Program for High Volume Hedging Contributors; 12-229 07/11/2012 Certified 07/26/2012 2
CME Enhancements to CDS Risk Model 10/23/2014 Certified 12/22/2014 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 1 May 2017. 05/07/2017 Notified 05/07/2017 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 088-17 relating to introduction of options on Euro-BTP Futures 09/14/2017 Certified 09/28/2017 2
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self Certification: Rule Changes on the addition of Non-Deliverable Swaps as eligible SwapClear products 04/13/2018 Certified 04/27/2018 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 062-18 related to a clarifying, non-substantive change in one section of Chatper VIII, moving the CLS cut-off time, and providng that notices will be published via electronic circulars in English only 07/03/2018 Certified 07/18/2018 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 14 October 2019. 10/24/2019 Notified 10/24/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 079-20 related to the introduction of futures and options on the EURO STOXX 50r ESG and DAXr 50 ESG Indices 10/06/2020 Certified 10/21/2020 2
ICE NGX Submission to implement changes to ICE NGX RMF to document the treatment of Force Majeure ("FM") events \r\nin the calibration of stress testing parameters. 03/05/2024 Certified 03/19/2024 2
NYMEX Non-Member Core Energy Futures and Options Products and Overnight Trading Incentive Program; 12-236 07/16/2012 Withdrawn 07/27/2012 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 087-17 relating to introduction of SARON overnight interest rate swaps and expansion of lending CCP to clearing of loan securities in Austrian and Italian equities 09/14/2017 Certified 09/28/2017 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 03/06/2020 Notified 03/06/2020 2
ICECC The principal purpose of the purposed rule change is to make changes to the ICC Clearing Rules. Specifically, ICC purposes to add Standard Subordinated European Insurance Corporate Single Name Contracts. 04/21/2023 Certified 05/05/2023 2
NYMEX NYMEX and COMEX Futures and Options Products Cross-Venue Incentive Program; 12-239 07/16/2012 Certified 07/31/2012 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 032-21 related to Eurex Clearing changing its CLS provider for FX Futures and clarifying that Eurex Clearing can switch to a bilateral physical settlement for FX Futures in an emergency case 04/07/2021 Certified 04/21/2021 2
ICLREU2 ICEU proposes to modify its Operational Risk Management Policy to make certain clarifications and updates and add to its rule framework a Risk Identification Framework to provide ICE Clear Europe with a structure to explore identify and monitor risks. 05/24/2022 Certified 06/07/2022 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notifications of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 04/21/2023 Notified 04/21/2023 2
ICECC ICC proposes revising the ICC End-of-Day Price Discovery Policies and Procedures to change the calculation of single name Firm Trade notional limits to be at a Clearing Participant affiliate group level. 05/17/2016 Certified 06/01/2016 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to modify Part HH of its Delivery Procedures to correct a drafting inconsistency. 06/20/2022 Notified 06/20/2022 2
ICE NGX Submission to implement certain changes to the ICE NGX RMF to refine the methodology for calibrating the seasonality factor in the Shortfall Margin (\"SMF\") calculation. 04/21/2023 Certified 05/05/2023 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Capital Replenishment Plan principally to reflect certain requirements under EMIR Regulatory Technical Standards. The amendments will also remove a reference to the SEC as a regulator that supervises ICE Clear Europe. 07/16/2024 10 Day Review 07/16/2024 2
EUREX Proposed rule changes in Eurex Clearing Circular 102-16 relating to amending the Price List to further implement the introduction of the British pound and related to the Swiss franc 08/09/2016 Certified 08/23/2016 2
OCC Proposed rule change related to the introduction of a new Liquidation Cost Model in The Options Clearing Corporation's margin methodology. 05/01/2019 Withdrawn 05/06/2019 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is formalizing its ORM Policy which sets out the processes for managing operational risks, the responsibilities for executing those processes, the frequency of review of the policy and the governance and reporting lines for the policy. 05/31/2019 Certified 06/13/2019 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 07/12/2019 Notified 07/12/2019 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 12/18/2020 Notified 12/18/2020 2