Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
OCC Certification to correct The Options Clearing Corporation's schedule of fees 11/03/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
ICLR US Rule Amendments 11/15/2022 Certified 11/30/2022 2
OCC Rule Certification to Amend and Enhance OCC's Model Risk Management Policy 06/13/2023 Certified 06/28/2023 2
LCHSA LCH SA is submitting for self-certification the changes related to the proposed extension of the CDSClear services to the clearing of options on index credit default swaps. 09/22/2017 Certified 10/06/2017 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 27 November 2017. 12/07/2017 Notified 12/07/2017 2
ICLR US Revisions to the ICUS Risk Management Framework to increase the adjustment period used in theoretical stress scenarios. 12/24/2018 Certified 02/07/2019 2
LCHSA LCH SA is proposing to amend its Reference Guide: CDSClear Margin Framework in order to allow Index BasisPackages margining as single instrument 12/03/2019 Certified 12/17/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 123-19 related to the tax-related provisions for repo and sec lending transactions, updating the Price List for one listed future, updating the GTC re: KYC documentation, and other 01/06/2020 Certified 01/21/2020 2
CME Revisions to the Service Level Agreement between Options Clearing Corporation and Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. 11/03/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 031-19 related to amendin the Price List to offer payment of rebates for certain exchange-traded commodities options 03/22/2019 Certified 04/05/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 114-19 relating to implementing the first elements of the Eurex Pricing Roadmap 2020 12/03/2019 Certified 12/17/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 30 December 2019 till 31 December 2019. 01/07/2020 Notified 01/07/2020 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 074-20 related to preparation for the upcoming EU CSD Regulation 09/09/2020 Certified 09/23/2020 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 038-21 regarding service fees for Prefunding Amounts relating to OTC FX Transactions and OTC cross-currency (XCCY) Transactions. 06/02/2021 Certified 06/16/2021 2
ICLREU2 Amendments to Part CC of ICEU Delivery Procedures to revise certain timing-related delivery specifications applicable to Midland West Texas Intermediate American Gulf Coast Crude Oil Futures ("Midland WTI Contracts"). 03/07/2022 Certified 03/21/2022 2
ICE NGX Contracting Party Information Updates 09/21/2022 Certified 10/05/2022 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 25 December 2017. 01/04/2018 Notified 01/04/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Delivery Procedures to add a new Part EE regarding delivery procedures relating to a new natural gas futures contract. 03/22/2019 Certified 04/05/2019 2
ICE NGX Amendments to ICE NGX Risk Management Framework 04/14/2021 Certified 04/28/2021 2
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 098-21 relating to the clearing introduction for the risk-free reference rate based OTC XCCY Transactions in the currency pair GBP/USD 11/04/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
NODALCL Various Amendments to Nodal Clear Rules 06/06/2022 Certified 06/21/2022 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 017-23 related to the the conversion of remaining cleared legacy USD LIBOR-based IRS and basis swap trades to standard and liquid SOFR OIS trades before the fallback provisions are triggered 03/22/2023 Certified 04/05/2023 2
CME Notification to the Commission Regarding the Migration of Clearing and Settlement Systems to the Google Cloud Platform 06/14/2023 Certified 07/12/2024 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 12 June 2017. 06/18/2017 Notified 06/18/2017 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 06/01/2018 Notified 06/01/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is proposing to adopt a new Futures & Options Capital-to-Margin And Shortfall Margin Policy. 03/22/2019 Certified 04/05/2019 2
ICECC ICC proposes to formalize the Counterparty Monitoring Procedures and the Credit Rating System Model Description and Parameterization. 11/04/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Manual of Operations 12/14/2021 Certified 12/29/2021 2
LCHSA CDSClear Risk refinements Phase 2 seeks to refine further CDSClear margins while ensuring that LCH.Clearnet risk standards continue to be met. This Submission relates to Lot 1 for which implementation date is expected early August 2015. 07/21/2015 Certified 08/03/2015 2
CME Expansion of Performance Bond Collateral Program to Include Mexican Government Debt and Issuance of CME Clearing Advisory Notice 02/23/2016 Certified 03/08/2016 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circualr 021-18 related to IRS Section 871(m) transactions 02/27/2018 Certified 03/13/2018 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 054-18 related to remove certain references to EMIR Risk Committee matters from the Clearing Conditions to eliminate redundancies 06/01/2018 Certified 06/15/2018 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 17 December 2018. 12/28/2018 Notified 12/28/2018 2
CME Request for Approval to Commingle Customer Positions and Related Collateral in Listed Options on Interest Rate Futures Contracts and Interest Rate Swaps 10/19/2020 Approved 12/04/2020 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend its Liquidity Management Procedures and Investment Management Procedures to make certain clarifications and updates 11/04/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
NYMEX NYMEX Brent Block Trade Broker Rebate Program 04/10/2012 Certified 04/25/2012 1
MGEX Rule amendment to update the membership requirement as it pertains to clearing privileges. 07/19/2012 Certified 08/03/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to rules to admit Futures Commission Merchants to join the EnClear and Nodal service and clear transactions on behalf of their clients. 09/25/2012 Certified 10/11/2012 1
LCHLTD Rule changes to include provisions for Custodial Segregated Accounts, a new type of client account being offered under LCH's EMIR Client account model. 12/15/2016 Certified 12/30/2016 1
EUREX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 4, 2017 12/08/2017 Notified 12/08/2017 1
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 21, 2020 12/30/2020 Notified 12/30/2020 1
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification changes to the ForexClear fee schedule. 12/15/2021 Certified 12/30/2021 1
CME Performance Bond Deposits Line of Credit 10/06/2003 Certified 10/06/2003 1
CBT Modification of procedures for determining daily settlement prices for CBOT 10 year U.S. Treasury Note Options 10/15/2007 Certified 10/17/2007 1
OCC Rule changes to comply with Part 39 DCO regulations effective May 7, 2012; OCC-2012-06 04/10/2012 Certified 04/25/2012 1
NYMEX Delisting eleven tanker freight forwards contracts 07/23/2012 Certified 07/23/2012 1
CME Amendments to Chapter 8H of CME Rulebook 12/04/2014 Certified 12/18/2014 1
LCHLTD In exceptional circumstances, LCH.Clearnet will manually accept a SwapClear Transaction on behalf of a Clearing Member that is unable to do so itself, rule changes are being implemented to describe the acceptance process. 07/23/2015 Certified 08/06/2015 1
CMECE Weekly Notification of Rule amendments for week of January 30, 2017. 02/10/2017 Notified 02/10/2017 1
MGEX Amendments to Chapters 1, 21, and 23 of MGEX's Rules to incorporate the clearing of Bitnomial Exchange, LLC contracts. 07/14/2020 Certified 07/28/2020 1