Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of January 25, 2016 |
02/04/2016 |
Notified |
02/04/2016 |
1 |
ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee,Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. |
02/05/2016 |
Notified |
02/05/2016 |
2 |
Introduction to Affiliate Segregation - Amendments to SGX-DC Clearing Rules and Futures Trading Rules |
01/27/2016 |
Certified |
02/10/2016 |
1 |
The proposed rule change concerns enhancements to OCC's governance arrangements. |
02/01/2016 |
Certified |
02/16/2016 |
1 |
This proposed rule change concerns pass-through letters of credit. |
02/02/2016 |
Certified |
02/17/2016 |
1 |
ICC proposes organizational and clarifying edits to the ICC Risk Management Framework and the ICC Treasury Operations Policies and Procedures, and proposes adopting a new ICC Risk Management Model Description document. |
02/03/2016 |
Certified |
02/18/2016 |
2 |
LCH.Clearnet Limited new Schedule of Securities Acceptable for Margin Cover Purposes. |
02/05/2016 |
Certified |
02/19/2016 |
2 |
CME Clearing Advisory Notice for Performance Bond Collateral Categorization Changes |
02/05/2016 |
Certified |
02/22/2016 |
1 |
LCH.Clearnet is submitting for self certification changes to its rules related to confidentiality during the default management of an FCM and to remove ambiguity around its rules related to the allocation of losses related to a Treasury Default. |
02/08/2016 |
Certified |
02/22/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX Rule 980.F. ("Required Records and Reports") |
02/11/2016 |
Certified |
02/26/2016 |
1 |
Changes to the LCH Rulebook in relation to the ForexClear service to remove EMTA Template table extracts from the Rulebook and replace with website links. |
02/11/2016 |
Certified |
02/26/2016 |
1 |
Changes to Risk Management Framework |
02/16/2016 |
Certified |
03/01/2016 |
2 |
ICC proposes amending its rules to provide for the clearance of iTraxx Asia/Pacific CDS contracts and Standard Asia/Pacific Sovereign CDS contracts. |
02/19/2016 |
Certified |
03/04/2016 |
3 |
Expansion of Performance Bond Collateral Program to Include Mexican Government Debt and Issuance of CME Clearing Advisory Notice |
02/23/2016 |
Certified |
03/08/2016 |
2 |
This proposed rule change concerns enhancements to OCC's governance arrangements. |
02/24/2016 |
Certified |
03/09/2016 |
2 |
Self certification of rule amendments for Nifty futures and options |
02/25/2016 |
Certified |
03/09/2016 |
1 |
ICE Clear Europe (ICEU) proposes rule changes to permit ICEU Clearing Members to post additional categories of securities, including treasury bills and floating rate and inflation-linked government bonds to ICEU as permitted cover. |
02/26/2016 |
Certified |
03/11/2016 |
3 |
The purpose of the changes is to allow ICE Clear Europe F&O Clearing Members to provide qualifying high grade corporate and other non-sovereign or "semi-government" bonds to satisfy original margin requirements for the F&O product category. |
02/29/2016 |
Certified |
03/14/2016 |
3 |
The purpose of this proposed rule change is to simplify OCC's fee structure. |
03/02/2016 |
Certified |
03/16/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to CDS Clearing Rules mainly related to implementation of Gross Omnibus Segregated Account Structure |
03/03/2016 |
Certified |
03/17/2016 |
1 |
Implementation of New CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 825 ("Segregation of Performance Bond") |
03/04/2016 |
Certified |
03/18/2016 |
1 |
Circular Self Certification - describing operating procedures for Good Friday and Easter Monday |
03/07/2016 |
Certified |
03/21/2016 |
1 |
Self Certification of amendments to CDS clearing rules relating to extension of CDS clearing service to the clearing of CDX investment grade indices and related US Single Names |
03/09/2016 |
Certified |
03/23/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to Rule 806 ("Offset Process") and Rule 854 ("Concurrent Long and Short Positions") |
03/09/2016 |
Certified |
03/23/2016 |
1 |
Update of SA's fees grid as a consequence of the extension of the CDS clearing service to the clearing of US instruments starting with CDX indices and related US Single Names constituents at the end of March 2016, subject to the final regulatory approval |
03/10/2016 |
Certified |
03/24/2016 |
1 |
Eurex Clearing Circular 018-16 Amendments |
03/11/2016 |
Certified |
03/25/2016 |
2 |
Amendments for Eurex Clearing Circular 030-10 |
03/14/2016 |
Certified |
03/28/2016 |
2 |
Proposed rule change related to the voluntary termination by offset and re-matching of Matched-Book Positions in the Stock Loan/Hedge Program. |
03/15/2016 |
Certified |
03/29/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 913 ("Withdrawal from Clearing Memberships") and CME Rule 8G913 ("Withdrawal from IRS Clearing Membership); Adoption of New CME Rule 8G18.C. ("Withdraral from IRS Swaptions Clearing Membership") |
03/15/2016 |
Certified |
03/29/2016 |
2 |
Amendments to CME Rule 8G27 (IRS Risk Committee) |
03/18/2016 |
Certified |
04/01/2016 |
1 |
To amend certain aspects of the ICEU Clearing Procedures and Delivery Procedures principally relating to equity futures and options contracts traded on the ICE Futures Europe market and cleared by ICE Clear Europe. |
03/22/2016 |
Certified |
04/04/2016 |
2 |
To modify the ICEU Rules to clarify the application of certain default-related provisions in the context of resolution proceedings with respect to the Clearing House or a Clearing Member. |
03/24/2016 |
Certified |
04/06/2016 |
2 |
LCH.Clearnet Limited changes to Rulebook Section 4 Procedures to allow non-FCM Clearing Members to lodge AUD securities onshore at Austraclear, a CSD located in Australia. There are also some non-material changes being made. |
03/24/2016 |
Certified |
04/07/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to CME Chapter 900 ("Interest Rate Swaps)" and Adoption of New CME Chapter 902 ("Interest Rate Swaptions Contract Terms") |
03/24/2016 |
Certified |
04/07/2016 |
1 |
ICE Clear Credit proposes updates to the ICC Operational Risk Management Framework. |
03/29/2016 |
Certified |
04/12/2016 |
2 |
Amendments to CME Rules 8G930.C. ("Acceptable Performance Bond Deposits for IRS Products") and 8H930.C. ("Acceptable Performance Bond Deposits for CDS Products") |
03/30/2016 |
Certified |
04/13/2016 |
1 |
Notification under CFTC regulation 40.6(d) in order to correct a minor typographical error in the change to the CDS products fee grid. |
04/15/2016 |
Notified |
04/15/2016 |
1 |
Sets forth further description of service listed in Rule Certification 018-16 |
04/01/2016 |
Certified |
04/15/2016 |
2 |
Eurex Clearing Circular 042-16 Amendments. Implementation dates are May 12, 2016, June 1, 2016, and July 1, 2016. |
04/01/2016 |
Certified |
04/15/2016 |
2 |
Eurex Clearing Circular 041/16 Amendments. The implementation dates are April 20, 2016, May 2, 2016, May 9, 2016, May 23, 2016. |
04/01/2016 |
Certified |
04/15/2016 |
2 |
Amendments to CME Rule 204A04 ("Daily Settlement Price") of the USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil Calendar Swap (Cleared Only) Contract |
04/01/2016 |
Certified |
04/15/2016 |
1 |
Introduction of Affiliate Segregation - Amendments to SGX-DC Clearing Rules and Futures Trading Rules. This is a modification of submission 1601-2712-1615-25. |
04/15/2016 |
Certified |
04/28/2016 |
3 |
Eurex Clearing Circular 055-16 Amendments. Implementation dates are May 6, 2016, May 11, 2016, and June 6, 2016. |
04/22/2016 |
Certified |
05/06/2016 |
2 |
LCH is submitting for self-certification changes to its rules to allow portfolio margining between its SwapClear and Listed Rates clearing services. |
04/28/2016 |
Certified |
05/11/2016 |
1 |
Proposed rule changes in Eurex Clearing Circular 057-16 related to CCP Lending Service and other clean-up amendments. Implementation date is May 23, 2016. |
04/28/2016 |
Certified |
05/12/2016 |
2 |
To clarify the account in which positions of affiliates of Clearing Members are to be maintained, in light of applicable US and EU regulatory requirements. |
04/28/2016 |
Certified |
05/12/2016 |
2 |
Amendment to By-Law Section 5.4 re: custodial failures |
04/28/2016 |
Certified |
05/12/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to Chapter 8 ("Clearing House and Performance Bonds"); CME Chapter 8G ("Interest Rate Derivative Clearing") and CME Chapter 8H ("Credit Default Swaps Clearing") to Effect Conditions of European Commission's Equivalence Determination |
05/02/2016 |
Certified |
05/16/2016 |
1 |
Amendments to CME Rule 204A04. ("Daily Settlement Price") and Expansion of Listing Schedule of the Malaysian Palm Oil Calendar Swap (Cleared Only) Contract |
05/03/2016 |
Certified |
05/17/2016 |
2 |
The clearing notice "Means of Access and Reporting mechanism" is being modified to remove the mentionto LCAP technology as a mean of access to CDS Clearing System reports and files. |
05/09/2016 |
Certified |
05/20/2016 |
1 |