Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
ICE NGX Amendments to Schedule "F" - Physically Settled Gas Futures - Canadian Delivery Points of the Contracting Party Agreement 01/04/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 1
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 003-19 related to introduction of futures on STOXXr ESG-X, Low Carbon, and Climate Impact indexes 01/07/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 004-19 related to introduction of futures and options on the STOXXr Europe Select 50 Index 01/14/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 28 January 2019. 02/08/2019 Notified 02/08/2019 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 02/08/2019 Notified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 007-19 related to accounting for the increasing degree of uncertainty Eurex Clearing is facing with respect to cross-border regulation 01/25/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 009-19 related to Eurex Repo's introduction of a new GC Pooling trading functionality, which would allow settlement of the front leg of non-same day GC Pooling trades early in the morning 01/25/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 112-18 related to clarifying that all variation margin payments associated with futures and options transactions concluded at Eurex Deutschland constitute settlement payments 12/21/2018 Certified 02/08/2019 2
MGEX Rule amendments are part of an overall reorganization that includes changes for greater clarity and efficiency. 12/21/2018 Certified 02/08/2019 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe proposes to amend certain provisions of its Clearing Rules (and specifically its Continuing CDS Rule Provisions) relating to termination by the Clearing House of the membership of a CDS Clearing Member. 01/24/2019 Certified 02/07/2019 2
ICLR US Revisions to the ICUS Risk Management Framework to increase the adjustment period used in theoretical stress scenarios. 12/24/2018 Certified 02/07/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of January 28, 2019 02/06/2019 Notified 02/06/2019 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 02/01/2019 Notified 02/01/2019 2
ICE NGX Non-significant changes to Fee Schedule and non-significant revision to names of certain Eastern Canada Delivery Points, with respect to Force Majeure provisions. 02/01/2019 Notified 02/01/2019 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits an additional notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC. 02/01/2019 Notified 02/01/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 21 January 2019. 01/31/2019 Notified 01/31/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of January 21, 2019 01/30/2019 Notified 01/30/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Ltd is submitting for self-certification changes to the participation choices available to Approved Compression Service Providers ("ACSPs") 12/11/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
ICE NGX The is an Amendment to the Schedule "A" of the Contracting Party Agreement, which is amendments to data and fee charges. 12/13/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
SGX-DC Self-certification of rule amendment pursuant to Commission Regulation 40.6(a) with respect to an update to SGX-DC's collateral management policy 12/13/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Ltd is submitting for self-certification changes to the tariffs applicable to the ForexClear clearing service. 12/14/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Ltd is submitting for self-certification changes to the tariffs applicable to SwapClear members. 12/14/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule for Over-the-Counter ("OTC") Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") 12/14/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
CME Implementation of the Over-the-Counter ("OTC") Foreign Exchange ("FX") Non-Deliverable Forwards ("NDF") Incentive Program 12/17/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 2
LCHSA LCH SA is submitting for self-certification the proposed amendments to the CDSClear fee grid (Unlimitted Tariff and Options clearing service). 12/20/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 7 January 2019. 01/25/2019 Notified 01/25/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 14 January 2019. 01/25/2019 Notified 01/25/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of January 14, 2019 01/24/2019 Notified 01/24/2019 1
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of January 7, 2019 01/17/2019 Notified 01/17/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Change to its London Deposit Rate (LDR) applied to cash balances held on SwapClear and ForexClear clearing member accounts. 01/16/2019 Notified 01/16/2019 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 01/11/2019 Notified 01/11/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 31, 2018 01/10/2019 Notified 01/10/2019 1
EUREX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 31, 2018 01/07/2019 Notified 01/07/2019 1
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 24 December 2018. 01/03/2019 Notified 01/03/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 24, 2018 01/03/2019 Notified 01/03/2019 1
LX Amending fee schedule for new participants. 01/03/2019 Notified 01/03/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 17 December 2018. 12/28/2018 Notified 12/28/2018 2
MGEX Notification of changes to outright and spread margin rates. 12/27/2018 Notified 12/27/2018 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited is submitting for self-certification changes to its rules to stop the provision of the Initial Margin Management Service (IMMES). 12/10/2018 Certified 12/24/2018 1
LCHLTD LCH Ltd is submitting for self-certification changes to its rules to include a process for a clearing member (SCM only) to request a client account migration. 12/10/2018 Certified 12/24/2018 1
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 17, 2018 12/24/2018 Notified 12/24/2018 1
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 103-18 related to discount on its existing Gold Packs for clearing members that clear high volumes in OTC interest rate derivatives 12/05/2018 Certified 12/19/2018 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 10, 2018 12/19/2018 Notified 12/19/2018 1
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 10 December 2018. 12/19/2018 Notified 12/19/2018 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 102-18 related to new categorization of Direct Clients, classification as Indirect Client Market Participant, Individual Segregation Model, tri-partite agreements no longer required for ECM, and other 12/03/2018 Certified 12/17/2018 5
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 101-18 related to the issuance of OTC direct debit margin calls and clearing members' cash account infrastructure for euro and Swiss franc 11/30/2018 Certified 12/14/2018 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 3, 2018 12/14/2018 Notified 12/14/2018 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 12/14/2018 Notified 12/14/2018 2
LX Modification to the number of confirmations before Participant bitcoin is available for use as collateral. 11/29/2018 Certified 12/13/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICEU proposes to formalize its F&O Stress Testing Policy. 11/28/2018 Certified 12/12/2018 5