Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
KCC Revisions to conform KCBTCC Clearing Participant default procedures and guaranty fund requirements to those of CME clearing members; 12-462 12/26/2012 Certified 01/11/2013 2
OCC Changes to Stock Loan/Hedge Program and Market Loan Program; SR-OCC-2012-24. 12/13/2012 Withdrawn 01/09/2013 1
MGEX Clean-up of rules related to clearing fees. 12/18/2012 Certified 01/04/2013 1
NADEX Modifications to Demo Account Program 12/17/2012 Certified 01/03/2013 1
OCC Amendment to Schedule of Fees in order to charge monthly fee to non-clearing member subscribers of certain non-proprietary data (i.e., product/series and prices) that elect to receive such data on a real-time basis; SR-OCC-2012-25. 12/14/2012 Certified 01/01/2013 1
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule Applicable to OTC Credit Default Swap Clearing; 12-464. 12/14/2012 Certified 01/01/2013 1
NADEX Holiday hour announcement 12/14/2012 Certified 01/01/2013 1
CME Establishment of settlement arrangements between CME and the New York Branch of the Bank of China Limited; 12-362. 10/29/2012 Certified 12/24/2012 1
NADEX Holiday schedule 12/07/2012 Certified 12/22/2012 1
NADEX Extension of Refer a Friend program. 12/07/2012 Certified 12/22/2012 1
NADEX Modification to Demo Account Conversion Program 12/14/2012 Withdrawn 12/17/2012 1
OCC Updating rules related to clearing physically settled European-style options on U.S. Treasury notes and bonds with a unit of trading of $10,000 traded on Nasdaq OMX PHLX, LLC; SR-OCC-2012-23. 11/30/2012 Certified 12/15/2012 1
OCC By-Laws amendment to clarify that OCC will not commence the clearing of OTC S&P 500 Index Options until the SEC approves subsequent rule filing concerning certain enhancements to OCC's risk modeling and risk management procedures; SR-OCC-2012-14A1. 11/30/2012 Certified 12/15/2012 1
NADEX Clarification in its temporary "Demo Account Conversion Program" which was originally filed on November 23, 2012. 12/13/2012 Withdrawn 12/13/2012 2
ICLREU2 Amendments to clearing rules, including the FX Procedures, related to the introduction of new swaps for clearing. 11/29/2012 Certified 12/13/2012 1
LCHLTD Changes correcting references within the Default Fund Rules, clarifying definitions, eliminating ambiguities and making other minor amendments. 11/26/2012 Certified 12/11/2012 1
CME Acceptance of basis swaps and forward rate agreements; 12-413. 11/23/2012 Certified 12/08/2012 1
CME Changes to IRS Manual of Operations; 12-414. 11/23/2012 Certified 12/08/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to General Rules and OTC EnClear Procedures related to the introduction of two new freight route contracts and one new fertilizer contract. 11/23/2012 Certified 12/08/2012 1
NADEX Establishment of Demo Account Conversion Program to encourage demo account users to consider opening, funding and trading a live Nadex account. 11/23/2012 Certified 12/08/2012 1
CME New Chapter 10 and new Rule 1001 regarding swap data repository reporting; 12-391 11/13/2012 Withdrawn 12/06/2012 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to ICE Clear Europe Procedures in relation to the Clearing of ICE Futures Europe emissions auction contracts. 11/19/2012 Certified 12/05/2012 1
CME Modifications to the CME OTC FX Fee Waiver Program; 12-390. 11/16/2012 Certified 12/04/2012 1
KCC Changes to the By-Laws and conforming amendments; 12-01. 11/15/2012 Certified 12/01/2012 1
OCC Changes clarify when OCC may refuse a margin withdrawal request or request additional intra-day margin. SR-OCC-2012-21. 11/13/2012 Certified 11/29/2012 1
OCC Rule amendment eliminates potential ambiguity as to OCC's right to use margin credited to Liquidating Settlement Account to settle mark-to-market payments arising from stock loan and borrow positions in customer accounts; SR-OCC-2012-22. 11/13/2012 Certified 11/29/2012 1
ICLREU2 Rules clarifying the types of letters of credit that may be used by non-financial institutions that are clients of FCM Clearing Members. The letters of credit will be accepted as permitted cover for Energy Clearing initial margin. 11/09/2012 Certified 11/28/2012 1
MGEX The purpose of the amendment is to remove language regarding the early open outcry trading hours for options due to a change in release time of USDA reports and to allow MGEX flexibility to adopt changes to its submission and fine requirements. 11/07/2012 Certified 11/24/2012 1
ICLR US Delay to the implementation of the modifications to the ICE Clear U.S. intraday variation margin call procedures described in Submission 12-72; 12-72A. 11/02/2012 Certified 11/20/2012 1
NADEX Amendments to Nadex disciplinary procedures to specifically state how and when notice of disciplinary actions will be provided to the Member who is subject to the investigation and to the Commission, and the duration of the public notice. 11/02/2012 Certified 11/20/2012 1
MGEX The purpose of the amendment and deletion of these MGEX Rules and Regulations is to comply with the CFTC's final regulations requiring gross margining for all derivatives clearing organizations. 11/02/2012 Certified 11/20/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to post-default rules and methodology. 11/14/2012 Certified 11/14/2012 1
LCHLLC Amendments to LCH.Clearnet LLC's Rules and Regulations concerning the introduction of Legally Segregated, Operationally Commingled ("LSOC") Accounts under CFTC Regulation Part 22. 10/26/2012 Certified 11/10/2012 1
LCHLLC This submission reflects changes to the LCH.Clearnet LLC rulebook since 23 August 2012. 10/26/2012 Certified 11/10/2012 1
ICLREU2 Rules related to treatment of cleared swap customer margin in accordance with Part 22 of the Commission's regulations and terms governing delivery of certain notices related to CDS contracts. 10/24/2012 Certified 11/08/2012 1
NADEX Increase the Real-Time Account Funding (RTAF) Program level from $250 to $500. 10/23/2012 Certified 11/07/2012 1
OCC Rule amendment to clarify applicability of rules governing delivery of Treasury Securities underlying Treasury Futures to those with maturities greater than 25 years; SR-OCC-2012-20. 10/22/2012 Certified 11/06/2012 1
ICECC Rule amendments to implement the Commission's Part 22 regulations for cleared swap customer collateral (commonly referred to as "LSOC"). 09/21/2012 Approved 11/05/2012 1
ICLR US New procedures regarding the collection of intraday variation margin from clearing members and payment of intraday variation margin gains to clearing members; 12-72. 10/19/2012 Certified 11/03/2012 1
CME Introduction of the price, plus accrued interest, to value securities on deposit at CME Clearing; 12-345. 10/19/2012 Certified 11/03/2012 1
CME Changes to rules to comply with Part 22 (LSOC); 12-347. 10/19/2012 Certified 11/03/2012 1
ICLREU2 Circular confirming the continuation of certain fee arrangements; Circular 12/120. 10/18/2012 Certified 11/02/2012 1
OCC Rules implementing a minimum clearing fund size designed to permit OCC to draw in full on its committed credit facilities that are secured by the clearing fund; SR-OCC-2012-19. 10/18/2012 Certified 11/02/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to LCH.Clearnet Limited's Rules and Regulations concerning the introduction of LSOC accounts, and concerning Bunch Trade Registration for post-registration allocation. 10/18/2012 Certified 11/02/2012 1
LCHLTD LCH.Clearnet Limited amendments to Rules and Regulations concerning the introduction of LSOC accounts for the ForexClear and EnClear services and the introduction of an FCM model for the Nodal service. 10/18/2012 Certified 11/02/2012 1
CME Emergency actions taken as a result of Hurricane Sandy; 12-370. 10/31/2012 Certified 10/31/2012 1
CME Emergency actions taken as a result of Hurricane Sandy; 12-363. 10/29/2012 Certified 10/29/2012 1
OCC Rule amendment provides for the margining of OCC segregated futures customer accounts on a gross basis, as required by CFTC Rule 39.13(g)(8)(i). Rule amendment makes it clear that only initial margin is implicated; SR-OCC-2012-17A1. 10/11/2012 Certified 10/26/2012 1
LCHLTD Harmonization of SCM and FCM client clearing operating models. 10/04/2012 Certified 10/20/2012 1
CCH Rule amendment adds a definition for "Public Director" and corresponds to new Board Eligibility rule; 2012-1. 10/01/2012 Certified 10/17/2012 1