Clearing Organization Rules

Search Clearing Organization Rules using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
OCC Private auction process by which OCC may liquidate all or any part of a suspended Clearing Member's account; SR-OCC-2012-11 07/03/2012 Certified 07/18/2012 1
OCC Amend Bylaws to allow OCC to approve OCC's form of clearing member application and form of clearing agreement; SR-OCC-2012-12 07/10/2012 Withdrawn 07/16/2012 2
OCC Eliminate fees for three brochures; SR-OCC-2012-09 06/28/2012 Certified 07/14/2012 1
OCC Termination of OCC's Pledge program; SR-OCC-2012-10 06/28/2012 Certified 07/14/2012 1
CBT CBOT and NYMEX rules being amended to harmonize all three CME Rule books; 12-217 06/19/2012 Certified 07/04/2012 1
NYMEX NYMEX Early Adopter Liquidity Provider Program; 12-207 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
NYMEX Legacy GreenX Broker Broker Member Incentives Program; 12-205 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
NYMEX Legacy Green X CPC Incentive Program; 12-206 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 1
NYMEX Legacy GreenX Volume and Liquidity Provider Program; 12-209 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
NYMEX European Union Allowance and Certified Commission Production futures and spread contracts Market Making program; 12-210 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 1
NYMEX Legacy GreenX Member Trader Incentive Program; 12-211 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
LCHLTD SwapClear service new standard pricing plan for client clearing fees 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX OTC Broker Incentive Program; 12-191 06/15/2012 Certified 06/30/2012 1
CME Changes to CME's offering for cleared interest rate swaps; 12-204 06/15/2012 Certified 06/30/2012 2
NYMEX Diverse Trading Non-Member International Commercial Firms Energy Incentive Program; 12-162 06/12/2012 Certified 06/27/2012 2
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX Incentive Program for Natural Gas Products; 12-163 06/12/2012 Certified 06/27/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to Non-Member Cross-Venue Incentive Program for certain NYMEX energy products; 12-166 06/11/2012 Certified 06/26/2012 2
NYMEX Modifications to existing NYMEX Energy Products Cross-Venue Incentive Program; 12-167 06/11/2012 Certified 06/26/2012 2
NYMEX Modifications to Cross-Venue Energy & Metals Products Incentive Program for High Volume Contributors; 12-192 06/11/2012 Certified 06/26/2012 2
CME Adoption of Modified Split Allocation feature of CME's SPAN methodology for certain energy futures contracts; 12-189. 06/08/2012 Certified 06/22/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to Flex Energy Futures and Options Incentive Program; 12-161 06/07/2012 Certified 06/22/2012 2
MGEX Extension of trading hours and deadline for submission of information to the clearing house 06/08/2012 Certified 06/22/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to admit Futures Commission Merchants to join ForexClear service and clear transactions on behalf of their clients. 06/06/2012 Certified 06/21/2012 1
CME Amend Rule 802 to make CME's capital contribution to the financial safeguards package that includes the Base Guaranty Fund $100 million 06/05/2012 Certified 06/20/2012 1
NADEX Amendment to Expiration time for Daily and Weekly Corn and Soybean Binary and Variable Payout Contracts to be consistent with corresponding underlying market; Emergency Rule filing 06/13/2012 Certified 06/13/2012 1
CME Modifications to CME OTC FX Fee Waiver Program; 12-156 05/30/2012 Certified 06/13/2012 1
CME Expansion of acceptable performance bond deposits in Rule 930.C; expansion of clearing member reporting requirements relating to customer funds in Rule 971; 12-178 05/30/2012 Certified 06/13/2012 1
OCC Rule change to clarify applicability of OCC Rules to stock futures overlying index-linked securities; to eliminate de minimus exception relating to adjustments to stock futures overlying ETFs; and technical changes in response to cash-out events. 05/24/2012 Certified 06/09/2012 1
ICECC Amendment of rulebook to provide for the clearance of the CDX Emerging Markets Index CDS (CDX.EM) and to make a conforming change to the definition of "Restructuring CDS Contract" to encompass components of CDX.EM subj to a restructuring credit event. 05/21/2012 Certified 06/05/2012 1
NYMEX Change to NYMEX Brent Block Trade Broker Rebate Program 05/16/2012 Certified 06/01/2012 1
ICE NGX Crude Oil Incentive Program 05/16/2012 Certified 06/01/2012 1
OCC Technical amendments to fitness standards for directors, clearing members and others 05/15/2012 Certified 05/31/2012 1
MGEX Codify roles of Chief Regulatory Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Risk Officer 05/11/2012 Certified 05/26/2012 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to minimum capital requirements of CDS Clearing Members 05/08/2012 Certified 05/22/2012 1
CME Modifications to CME Incentive Program for Over-the-Counter Interest Rate Swaps; 12-136 05/08/2012 Certified 05/22/2012 2
OCC Updates procedures to adjustment panel voting 05/07/2012 Certified 05/22/2012 1
ICLR US Amend rule to codify duty to collect higher level of margin for non-hedge positions; 12-29 05/04/2012 Certified 05/19/2012 1
LCHLTD Addition of precious metals as margin collateral, Extension of use of Collateral Management System to include third party collateral 05/02/2012 Certified 05/17/2012 1
MGEX Update to procedures with regard to financial oversight of FCM Clearing Members 04/30/2012 Certified 05/15/2012 1
ICLR US Amendment increasing maximum size of a clearing member's Guaranty Fund contribution; 12-25 04/24/2012 Certified 05/09/2012 1
ICECC Changes to comply with CFTC Reg. 39.13(g)(8)(ii) 04/23/2012 Certified 05/08/2012 1
ICECC Amendments to conform the ICC membership qualifications to be in compliance with Commission Regulations 39.12(a)(2)(ii) and 39.12(a)(2)(iii). 03/23/2012 Approved 05/07/2012 1
KCC Clearing member risk management policies and procedures, failure to comply with participation requirements, offset of economically equivalent swaps, and swap clearing procedures. 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
KCC Risk limits on clearing member positions by house and customer origin 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
CME IRS Clearing Member Obligations and Qualifications; 12-123 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
CME CDS Clearing Member Obligations and Qualifications; 12-124 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
ICE NGX Clearing member risk management policies and risk limits 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
NYPC Rule amendments to comply with CFTC Part 39 DCO rules effective May 7, 2012. 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
ICLR US Rule amendments to conform with CFTC Part 39 DCO rules effective May 7, 2012; 12-26 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
ICLREU2 Rule amendment relating to use of Letters of Credit by Clearing Members as Permitted Cover in respect of Original Margin 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 3