Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX Amendment to eliminate CME Group share assignment requirement for clearing purposes. 05/11/2011 Certified 05/11/2011 1
OCC Rule change with respect to OCC obligations to pay settlement amounts to clearing members generally, as well as in emergency situations. 04/28/2011 Certified 04/28/2011 1
CME Amendments to capital requirements and reporting requirements applicable to bank clearing members. 04/18/2011 Certified 04/18/2011 1
CBT Amendments to capital requirements and reporting requirements applicable to bank clearing members. 04/18/2011 Certified 04/18/2011 1
NYMEX Amendments to capital requirements and reporting requirements applicable to bank clearing members. 04/18/2011 Certified 04/18/2011 1
ICLREU2 List of additional cleared OTC contracts 04/13/2011 Certified 04/13/2011 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to clarify contract formation in relation to cleared OTC Contracts 04/13/2011 Certified 04/13/2011 1
ICLREU2 New rules relating to Trade Date Clearing 04/12/2011 Certified 04/12/2011 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to clearing procedures; changes to reflect new clearing systems 04/08/2011 Certified 04/08/2011 1
ICLREU2 Amendment to rules relating to designated payments system 04/04/2011 Certified 04/04/2011 1
CME CME, CBOT and NYMEX adding new rule 905 (clearing members) to specify a choice of law (Illinois); also making conforming amendments to Rules 101 Membership Qualifications and Responsibilities 04/01/2011 Certified 04/01/2011 1
CBT CME, CBOT and NYMEX adding new rule 905 (clearing members) to specify a choice of law (Illinois); also making conforming amendments to Rules 101 Membership Qualifications and Responsibilities 04/01/2011 Certified 04/01/2011 1
NYMEX CME, CBOT and NYMEX adding new rule 905 (clearing members) to specify a choice of law (Illinois); also making conforming amendments to Rules 101 Membership Qualifications and Responsibilities 04/01/2011 Certified 04/01/2011 1
ICLREU2 List of new OTC Cleared Product Specifications 04/04/2011 Certified 04/01/2011 1
NYPC Amend rules 101, 102, 306, and 308 re: financial reporting, reporting of ownership/structure changes and conforming definition changes. 03/30/2011 Certified 03/30/2011 1
CME Addition of CDX North American Investment Grade Index Series 16 03/21/2011 Certified 03/21/2011 1
OCC Rule change to provide that futures on CBOE Gold ETF Volatility Index will be treated as security futures 03/18/2011 Certified 03/18/2011 1
CME Addition of CDX North American Investment Grade Index Series 14 and 15 03/07/2011 Certified 03/07/2011 1
CME Amendments and new rule to CME Chapter 8G and 900 re: cleared interest rate swaps and addition to Clearing house Manual of Operations for CME cleared interest rate swaps 03/01/2011 Certified 03/01/2011 1
CME Rules to implement the Financial Instruments Clearing Member (FICM) program 02/25/2011 Certified 02/25/2011 1
CBT Rules to implement the Financial Instruments Clearing Member (FICM) program. 02/25/2011 Certified 02/25/2011 1
NYPC Amendment to LLC Agreement (i) to require the contribution of additional capital to meet estimate of twelve months of operating cash (ii) to amend Board rights and obligations 02/17/2011 Certified 02/17/2011 1
ICLREU2 List of New OTC Cleared Product Specifications 02/17/2011 Certified 02/17/2011 1
LCHLTD A new set of rules relating to the clearing of OTC interest rate swaps ("FCM SwapClear Contracts) through LCH by registered FCMs that are clearing members of LCH. 02/15/2011 Certified 02/15/2011 1
ICLREU2 Amendment to List of Permitted Cover and Haircut Rates on collateral for original margin; Removal of Letters of Credit as permitted cover for CDS clearing members 02/08/2011 Certified 02/07/2011 1
OCC Rule change to accomodate Relative Performance Options (options on certain indexes measuring relative performance of one reference security or reference ndex relative to a second reference security or reference index). 01/19/2011 Certified 01/19/2011 1
OCC Rule amendment to obtain legal certainty with respect to cash-settled options on the CBOE Gold ETF Volatility Index 04/26/2010 Approved 12/23/2010 6
OCC Amended rule interpretation to clarify regulatory treatment under SEC Rule 15c3-1 of collateral and margin posted through Stock Loan Program 12/16/2010 Certified 12/16/2010 1
LCHLLC Amendments to Risk Management Procedures to (i) incorporate price alignment interest (PAI) into variation performance bond for OTC contracts; and (ii) amend list of currently acceptable Collateral 11/10/2010 Certified 11/10/2010 1
NADEX Amend responsibilities of Chief Operating Officer as set forth in Nadex Rule 2.3. 11/04/2010 Certified 11/04/2010 1
CME Amendment to reduce required amount of CME Group Class A Shares required for clearing member privileges. 10/26/2010 Certified 10/26/2010 1
OCC New rule to accommodate futures contracts that are settled in a non-US currency. 10/22/2010 Certified 10/22/2010 1
ICE NGX Rule amendments clarify language relating to daily settlement products/transactions and to add new products 10/14/2010 Certified 10/14/2010 1
ICE NGX Amendments to Schedule D to add new products to its product list (US natural gas products) and removal of a crude oil product 10/14/2010 Certified 10/14/2010 1
CME New rules with respect to the clearing of over-the-counter interest rate swaps 10/14/2010 Certified 10/14/2010 1
CBT Conforming amendments to existing rules to allow for clearing of over-the-counter interest rate swaps 10/14/2010 Certified 10/14/2010 1
NYMEX Conforming amendments to existing rules to allow for clearing of over-the-counter interest rate swaps 10/14/2010 Certified 10/14/2010 1
OCC Rule change would provide a new service for clearing members that are parties to a Clearing Member Trade Assignment ("CMTA") arrangement. Amends Article 1 - Section 1, Rule 403 and Rule 504 10/04/2010 Certified 10/04/2010 1
CBT CME, CBOT and NYMEX are adopting rules to implement substantive requirements for the pre-bankruptcy treatment of customer "cleared OTC derivatives" 10/01/2010 Certified 10/01/2010 1
NYMEX CME, CBOT and NYMEX are adopting rules to implement substantive requirements for the pre-bankruptcy treatment of customer "cleared OTC derivatives" 10/01/2010 Certified 10/01/2010 1
CME CME, CBOT and NYMEX are adopting rules to implement substantive requirements for the pre-bankruptcy treatment of customer "cleared OTC derivatives" 10/01/2010 Certified 10/01/2010 1
MGEX Minneapolis Grain Exchange, Inc. Rulebook (includes Ch. 21 - Clearing House Regulations) 09/20/2010 Certified 09/20/2010 1
CME CBOT Rules 10C03, 11D03, 14C03, and 16C03: Settlement procedures during the final month of clearing for CBOT Ethanol Forward Month Swaps, Corn Calendar Swaps, Soybean Calendar Swaps, and Wheat Calendar Swaps 09/17/2010 Certified 09/17/2010 1
OCC Article I, Section 1, Rule 801, 805, and 1804 - proposed rule change to accomodate Weekly Options and Monthly Options 09/15/2010 Certified 09/15/2010 1
LCHLTD Specifications for new Monthly Cash Settled Natural Gas Financial Swap, Henry Hub Contract to be cleared for Nodal Exchange. 09/01/2010 Certified 09/01/2010 1
OCC Amendment to Interpretation and Policy .01 under Section 11A, Article VI and Interpretation and Policy .01 under Section 3, Article XII 08/31/2010 Certified 08/31/2010 1
LCHLLC Changes to membership classifications; creation of OTC Customer Segregated Account; procedures for clearing of new OTC contracts; amending settlement, performance bond, and default procedures 08/30/2010 Certified 08/30/2010 1
OCC Proposed technical change to Interpretation and Policy .06 under Rule 601 in connection with the expansion of forms of collateral incorporated into STANS 08/25/2010 Certified 08/25/2010 1
KCC Amendment to Rule 8.03 pertaining to default procedures 08/25/2010 Certified 08/25/2010 1
OCC Amendment No. 1 to SR-OCC-2010-13, a proposal to amend OCC by-laws and rules to accomodate proposal by OneChicago to list security futures for which settlement price would be adjusted for dividends or distributions by issuer of underlying security 08/25/2010 Certified 08/25/2010 1