Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
LCHLTD The LCH.Clearnet SwapClear service will be adding to its fees a straight through pass through of the fees charged to LCH.Clearnet by ICE Benchmark Administration Limited, which is payable for each new trade which references ICE LIBOR index. 01/13/2016 Certified 01/28/2016 1
LCHSA The LCH.Clearnet SA LMC has approved a change in Default fund remuneration. 05/14/2014 Certified 05/29/2014 1
LCHSA The LCH.Clearnet SA Board of Directors has approved new terms of reference for the Remunerations Committee. 04/25/2014 Certified 05/10/2014 1
LCHLLC The LCH.Clearnet LLC rulebook is amended to conform to the industry-wide change resulting in the introduction of the SGD-SOR-VWAP index rate (and discontinuation of the SGD-SOR index rate). 09/20/2013 Certified 10/22/2013 1
LCHLTD The LCH.Clearnet Limited rulebook is amended to conform to the industry-wide change resulting in the introduction of the SGD-SOR-VWAP index rate (and discontinuation of the SGD-SOR index rate). 09/20/2013 Certified 10/22/2013 1
LCHLTD The LCH.Clearnet Limited ForexClear service Risk-free Compression offering. 08/24/2015 Certified 09/04/2015 1
LCHLTD The LCH's Listed Interest Rates service will soon clear for a new trading venue(Curve Global)-Currently the rules are specific to NLX. The changes make the rules applicable to any trading venue eligible to be cleared by this service. 08/10/2016 Certified 08/24/2016 1
ICE NGX The is an Amendment to the Schedule "A" of the Contracting Party Agreement, which is amendments to data and fee charges. 12/13/2018 Certified 01/28/2019 1
NODALCL The Fee Schedule is being revised to provide the fees for new environmental contracts to be launched by Nodal Exchange. 06/03/2022 Certified 06/17/2022 2
CCORP The definition of OTC Contract in Chapter 1 of the Clearing Corporations rules is amended to add the following OTC products to be listed for clearing:OTC SO2 Option contracts. Also adds Chapter 17 and Appendix 17A establishing the contract specification 05/01/2007 Certified 05/01/2007 1
CCORP The definition of Exchange Market in Chapter 1 of The Clearing Corporations rules is amended to add the following product to be traded on Chicago Climate Futures Exchange, LLC: ECO-Clean Energy Index Futures. 07/12/2007 Certified 07/12/2007 1
CCORP The definition of Exchange Market in Chapter 1 is amended to add Carbon Financial Instrument Futures to be traded on Chicago Climate Futures Exchange, LLC. 08/01/2007 Certified 08/03/2007 1
LCHSA The clearing notice "Means of Access and Reporting mechanism" is being modified to remove the mentionto LCAP technology as a mean of access to CDS Clearing System reports and files. 05/09/2016 Certified 05/20/2016 1
ICLREU2 The Clearing House is amending its Collateral and Haircut Procedures to make certain clarifications for collateral eligibility criteria relating to market risk. 04/03/2024 Certified 04/17/2024 2
SGX-DC The amendmment is to update the Handbook to clarify that gap risk add-ons may be applied to all OTCF contracts. 03/23/2017 Certified 04/05/2017 2
ICLR US The amendments to the ICUS Rules relate to the collection and payment of variation margin with respect to contracts that are the subject of delivery notices. 06/27/2017 Certified 07/12/2017 2
ICLR US The amendments to the ICUS Rules relate to the collection and payment of variation margin with respect to contracts that are the subject of delivery notices. 06/08/2017 Certified 06/22/2017 2
ICLREU2 The amendments to the Clearing Membership Policy and Clearing Membership Procedures are intended principally to reflect the termination of CDS clearing at ICEU and therefore remove references to CDS Clearing Members, among other clarifications. 06/05/2024 Certified 06/20/2024 2
SGX-DC The Amendments relate to changes to the SGX-DC Clearing Fund structure and requirements on the SGX-DC clearing members. 09/18/2018 Certified 10/01/2018 1
SGX-DC The Amendments arise due to the removal of Nifty Futures as a contract of a relevant market which is accepted for clearing by SGX-DC under the Mutual Offset System ("MOS") with CME. 04/10/2018 Certified 04/24/2018 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to update the contract name and reflect editorial changes to the Final Settlement Price ("FSP") provision of the LNG Swaps contract in Appendix 1 of the SGX-DC Clearing Rules, which pertains to the FSP of Non-Relevant Market Contracts. 10/12/2016 Certified 10/25/2016 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's cessation of clearing for SGX THermal Coal Swaps (CI, CF, 4C) , the Amendments are to remove reference to the Contracts in Appendix 1 of the SGX-DC Clearing Rules. 06/20/2018 Certified 07/05/2018 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the SGX North Asia Sling LNG Swap Contract. In particular, the Amendments specify the methodology of the final settlement price of the Contract in the SGX-DC Clearing Rules. 04/05/2017 Certified 04/18/2017 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the SGX IHS McCloskey Indonesian 4200kc GAR FOB Thermal Coal Swaps Contract. In particular, the Amendments specify the FSP methodology of the Contracts in the SGX-DC Clearing Rules. 03/21/2018 Certified 04/03/2018 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the SGX Baltic Supramax Time Charter Basket (10 routes) FFA and Option Contracts. In particular, the Amendments specify the FSP methodology of the Contracts in the SGX-DC Clearing Rules. 06/29/2017 Certified 07/14/2017 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the SGX Baltic Panamax Time Charter Basket (5 Routes) FFA and Options Contracts. In particular, the Amendments specify the methodology for the calculation of the FSP of the Contracts. 09/18/2019 Certified 10/01/2019 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the Panamax Route P2E FFA and Capesize Route C7 FFA. In particular, the Amendments specify the FSP methodology of the Contracts in the SGX-DC Clearing Rules. 05/02/2018 Certified 05/15/2018 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the new SGX Fuel Oil Swap contracts. In particular, the Amendments specify the methodology for calculation of the final settlement price of the Contracts in the SGX-DC Clearing rules. 09/19/2019 Certified 10/02/2019 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are made in respect of the removal of the margin requirements for over-the-counter spot trades under SGX-DC Clearing Rule 7.22.1A. 01/08/2017 Certified 01/23/2017 1
ICE NGX The Amendments are designed to strengthen ICE NGX's authority to react in emergency situations and to protect the exchange and clearinghouse in response to actions or inactions by a government authority. 09/27/2023 Certified 10/12/2023 1
SGX-DC The Amendment is to remove the Euroyen Futures contract from the list of contracts under Appendix 2 - Contracts of Other Relevant Markets Accepted by the Clearing House - of the SGX-DC Clearing Rules, arising from its delisting on the CME. 09/01/2016 Certified 09/16/2016 1
SGX-DC The Amendment is to remove the Eurodollar Futures from the list of contracts under Appendix 2 of SGX-DC Clearing Rules, associated with the removal of contracts from the Mutual Offset System link with Chicago Mercantile Exchange. 11/29/2019 Certified 12/12/2019 1
SGX-DC The Amendment is to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the SGX MB Iron Ore CFR China (65% Fe Fines) Swap Contract. In particular, the Amendment specifies the methodology for the calculation of the FSP of the Contract. 10/31/2018 Certified 11/15/2018 2
ICE NGX The addition of four physically-settled natural gas futures transactions in the U.S. natural gas market with delivery points at Pine Prairie Hub (Evangeline Parish, LA). 09/05/2019 Certified 09/19/2019 1
ICE NGX The addition of eight physically-settled power futures transactions in the ERCOT market with their delivery points at North Load Zone, South Load Zone, Houston Load Zone and West Load Zone 05/24/2019 Withdrawn 05/31/2019 1
LCHLTD Terms of Reference for the LCH.Clearnet Risk Committee has been amended to reflect and clarify changes in operation. 10/16/2015 Certified 10/29/2015 2
CME Termination of Trading, Conversion and Delisting of Standard-Size S&P 500 Index Contracts 08/06/2021 Certified 08/20/2021 2
CME Termination of the U.S. Dollar Swaptions Incentive Program 07/09/2018 Certified 07/23/2018 1
CME Termination of the OTC FX Non-Deliverable Forwards Incentive Program 10/04/2018 Certified 10/19/2018 2
OCC Termination of OCC's Pledge program; SR-OCC-2012-10 06/28/2012 Certified 07/14/2012 1
LCHLTD Tenor extensions to Norwegian, Polish and Danish (NOK, PLN and DKK) currencies 09/16/2016 Certified 09/30/2016 1
CME Ten new OTC Asian-Style and European-Style options on corn, soybeans, wheat, soybean oil, and soybean meal listed for clearing only on CBOT will be cleared by CME 07/29/2009 Certified 08/11/2009 1
CBT Ten new OTC Asian-Style and European-Style options on corn, soybeans, wheat, soybean oil, and soybean meal listed for clearing only on CBOT will be cleared by CME 07/29/2009 Certified 08/11/2009 1
CME Temporary modification to IRS Clearing Member clearing fees schedule for over-the-counter interest rate swaps 02/24/2012 Certified 03/10/2012 1
CME Temporary delisting of certain contract months for cleared-only commodity index swaps. 09/30/2013 Certified 09/30/2013 1
NYMEX Temporary 50% reduction in clearing fees for power futures 10/14/2011 Certified 10/29/2011 2
CBT Technical revisions to denatured fuel ethanol forward month swaps to reflect cleared only status after trading OTC 06/27/2007 Certified 06/29/2007 1
OCC Technical clarification to Rule 1506 which prohibits the deposit in lieu of margin in respect of certain options to add references to range options. 12/31/2008 Certified 01/02/2009 1
ICLREU2 Technical changes to rules to reflect ICE Clear Europe Limited's clearing of certain energy futures and options contracts to be listed on ICE Futures U.S., Inc. 09/07/2012 Certified 09/22/2012 1
OCC Technical changes to OCC's By-laws and Rules in connection with the modification of the individual registration categories of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. 11/08/2013 Certified 11/26/2013 1