Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
LCHLLC LCH.Clearnet LLC is implementing PPS fees for funds transferred to the clearing house to recover charges from PPS banks. 12/12/2013 Certified 12/28/2013 1
LCHLLC Addition of two new Approved Trade Source Systems for SwapClear. 02/12/2014 Withdrawn 02/25/2014 1
LCHLLC Amendment to Rule 415 to expand circumstances in which clearing member may transfer contract from one account to another, and to Rule 514 to modify form of acceptable performance bond deposit clearing member may accept from customers 07/20/2010 Certified 07/20/2010 1
LCHLLC Self certification of clarifying changes regarding the transfer of client and proprietary contracts. 03/18/2014 Certified 04/02/2014 1
LCHLLC Circular to send to SwapClear Clearing Members = describes changes to Client Deposit Rate ("CDR"). 09/18/2015 Certified 10/02/2015 1
LCHLLC New schedule of Securities Acceptable for Margin Cover Purposes due to changes to the haircuts applied to margin collateral. 02/12/2014 Withdrawn 02/25/2014 1
LCHLLC The LCH.Clearnet LLC rulebook is amended to conform to the industry-wide change resulting in the introduction of the SGD-SOR-VWAP index rate (and discontinuation of the SGD-SOR index rate). 09/20/2013 Certified 10/22/2013 1
LCHLLC Changes to the Portfolio Transfer Process. 06/05/2013 Certified 06/20/2013 1
LCHLLC Rule amendments to Risk Procedures, OTC terms and conditions and other definitions 06/08/2011 Certified 06/08/2011 1
LCHLLC Amendment to Risk Management Procedures Manual to modify the method for calculating original performance bond requirements 04/22/2010 Certified 05/03/2010 1
LCHLLC New Rule for IMMES Service 07/28/2014 Certified 08/11/2014 1
LCHLLC Rules 908 and 909 incorporate the contract specifications of two new futures contracts to be cleared by IDCH - the IDEX USD Defined Roll Interest Rate Swap Futures Contract and the IDEX USD Forward Start Defined Roll Interest Rate Swap Futures Contract. 08/05/2010 Certified 08/05/2010 1
LCHLLC Amendment to Rule 1101 to correct typographical error re: minimum notional principal for US interest rate swap 06/14/2011 Certified 06/14/2011 1
LCHLLC Re-introduction of a backload discount plan for client clearing activity to SwapClear's client fee structure. 11/20/2013 Certified 12/06/2013 1
LCHLLC Changes to the SwapClear service amending its product eligibility criteria to allowfor acceptance of swaps with stub periods at both the start and the end of a contract. 10/31/2013 Certified 11/16/2013 1
LCHLLC Self-certification pursuant to 40.6(a) to implement changes to the trade registration process for backloaded trades in LCH.Clearnet's SwapClear service. 11/21/2013 Certified 12/07/2013 1
LCHLLC LCH.Clearnet LLC is amending its Rulebook to provide for a new workflow in respect of the registration of transactions that are executed on swap execution facilities or designated contract markets that have been approved by LCH.Clearnet. 11/21/2013 Certified 12/07/2013 1
LCHLLC Amendments to ticker symbol formats 05/03/2010 Certified 05/17/2010 1
LCHLLC LCH.Clearnet LLC is extending the eligible maturity of Overnight Index Swaps denominated in USD, EUR and GBP from 2 to 30 years. 06/12/2013 Certified 06/27/2013 1
LCHLLC Add defined term "Clearinghouse Approved Depositories" and amend Rule 509 to clarify ownership and control over clearing member's securities deposited to meet margin requirements and the depository custody accounts 12/16/2009 Certified 12/24/2009 1
LCHLLC Amend risk management procedures to modify stress test parameters, quarterly risk monitoring, and clarify construction of revaluation curves. 07/13/2011 Certified 07/13/2011 1
LCHLLC Amendments to Rule 101 - definition of "Clearing Hours" and addition of new Rules 901and 902 to incporporate existing interest rate swap and new forward start interest rate swap futures specs, respectively. 11/09/2009 Certified 02/26/2010 1
LCHLLC Remove IDEX Futures Contracts from the rulebook 12/01/2011 Certified 12/16/2011 1
LCHLLC Emergency rule certification to extend the SwapClear Tolerance to 7pm on each Business Day. 11/05/2013 Certified 11/21/2013 1
LCHLLC Amendments to Risk Management Procedures to (i) incorporate price alignment interest (PAI) into variation performance bond for OTC contracts; and (ii) amend list of currently acceptable Collateral 11/10/2010 Certified 11/10/2010 1
LCHLLC Amendment to Rule 421 to correct a typographical error 01/22/2009 Certified 01/26/2009 1
LCHLLC Minimum Non-Tolerance Contribution has been reduced from $15mm to $10mm, minimum threshold for the Tolerance Contribution Amount has been reduced from $10mm to $5mm. 04/16/2015 Certified 04/30/2015 1
KCC Amendment to Rule 8.03 pertaining to default procedures 08/25/2010 Certified 08/25/2010 1
KCC Implementation of Give-up Average Price System Fine Policy 07/30/2012 Certified 08/14/2012 1
KCC New Rules 2100.01 and 2100.02 regarding FCM and customer requirements to particpate in clearing OTC ag swaps under Section 4(c) exemption. 03/01/2010 Certified 03/08/2010 1
KCC Power of Board to suspend or revoke privileges of clearing members 08/21/2003 Certified 08/21/2003 1
KCC Clearing member risk management policies and procedures, failure to comply with participation requirements, offset of economically equivalent swaps, and swap clearing procedures. 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
KCC Risk limits on clearing member positions by house and customer origin 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
KCC Revisions to conform KCBTCC Clearing Participant default procedures and guaranty fund requirements to those of CME clearing members; 12-462 12/26/2012 Certified 01/11/2013 2
KCC Risk Management Policies 04/20/2012 Certified 05/05/2012 1
KCC New rule providing for the close-out of member positions and netting of member obligations in event of DCO insolvency. 06/17/2010 Certified 06/28/2010 1
KCC Changes to the By-Laws and conforming amendments; 12-01. 11/15/2012 Certified 12/01/2012 1
KCC Amendment to Rule 2100.02 regarding ESP participation requirements and submission of FCM Participation Agreement. 04/19/2010 Certified 04/20/2010 1
KCC Extension of time for full compliance with CFTC Reg. 39.13(g)(8)(ii). 05/04/2012 Certified 05/04/2012 5
KCC New Rules 8.02 and 8.03 establishing security deposits and default procedures to supplement resources and actions available in the event of a member default. 10/30/2008 Certified 10/30/2008 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend Part H of its Delivery Procedures to cover ICE Endex German THE Natural Gas Daily Futures Contracts 03/08/2022 Certified 03/21/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe proposes a revised approach to computing single name CDS liquidity charges. Specifically, ICE Clear Europe proposes to introduce minimum instrument liquidity requirements independent of instrument maturities. 05/13/2019 Certified 05/28/2019 2
ICLREU2 Certification in relation to fees for EMIR customer accounts 07/23/2015 Certified 08/06/2015 1
ICLREU2 In Rule 106(d), ICE Clear Europe has made a non-substantive change to remove the defined term "Data Subject" as the term is not otherwise used in the Rules. 06/04/2018 Notified 06/04/2018 1
ICLREU2 ICEU Self-Certification in respect of the F&O Concentration Charge Policy v1.6 02/28/2018 Certified 03/14/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe submits for self-certification amendments to the Clearing Rules and Procedures to transition the trading of certain cleared financials and softs commodity contracts from the LIFFE Administration & Management market to ICE Futures Europe. 09/12/2014 Certified 09/26/2014 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to clearing rules, including the FX Procedures, related to the introduction of new swaps for clearing. 11/29/2012 Certified 12/13/2012 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe submits for self-certification amendments that modify certain aspects of the ICE Clear Europe Delivery Procedures in connection with the settlement of certain European energy futures contracts that are cleared by ICE Clear Europe. 08/11/2014 Certified 08/25/2014 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe (ICEU) proposes rule changes to permit ICEU Clearing Members to post additional categories of securities, including treasury bills and floating rate and inflation-linked government bonds to ICEU as permitted cover. 02/26/2016 Certified 03/11/2016 3
ICLREU2 The amendments to the Clearing Membership Policy and Clearing Membership Procedures are intended principally to reflect the termination of CDS clearing at ICEU and therefore remove references to CDS Clearing Members, among other clarifications. 06/05/2024 Certified 06/20/2024 2