Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
ICLREU2 Change to ICE OTC Wet Freight contract specifications 12/22/2011 Certified 01/10/2012 1
ICLREU2 Amendment to List of Permitted Cover and Haircut Rates on collateral for original margin; Removal of Letters of Credit as permitted cover for CDS clearing members 02/08/2011 Certified 02/07/2011 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to minimum capital requirements of CDS Clearing Members 05/08/2012 Certified 05/22/2012 1
ICLREU2 The purpose of the rule amendment is to modify the ICE Clear Europe ("ICEU") Delivery Procedures in connection with the launch by the ICE Endex market of the ICE Endex Italian PSV Natural Gas Futures Contract, which will be cleared by ICEU. 09/16/2015 Certified 09/30/2015 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to modify its Investment Management Procedures to clarify certain permitted investments and related limits for the Clearing House when managing cash received from Clearing Members 10/20/2022 Certified 11/03/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is adopting a new F&O Risk Policy and related F&O Risk Procedures. The new F&O Risk Policy is intended to consolidate and replace several existing ICE Clear Europe F&O policies. 09/21/2018 Certified 10/05/2018 2
ICLREU2 Amendments to clearing procedures; changes to reflect new clearing systems 04/08/2011 Certified 04/08/2011 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its rate of return paid on EUR and GBP cash margin and Guaranty Fund deposits and on non-cash collateral applicable to all Clearing Members for house and customer accounts. 11/24/2023 Certified 12/07/2023 2
ICLREU2 To amend certain aspects of the ICEU Clearing Procedures and Delivery Procedures principally relating to equity futures and options contracts traded on the ICE Futures Europe market and cleared by ICE Clear Europe. 03/22/2016 Certified 04/04/2016 2
ICLREU2 The purpose of the amendments is to modify certain aspects of the ICEU Finance Procedures to add South African rand ("ZAR") as a currency eligible for Variation Margin and settlement payments for F&S contracts which settle in such currency. 11/09/2016 Certified 11/25/2016 2
ICLREU2 New rules relating to Trade Date Clearing 04/12/2011 Certified 04/12/2011 1
ICLREU2 Extension of time for full compliance with CFTC Reg. 39.13(g)(8)(ii). 05/04/2012 Certified 05/04/2012 5
ICLREU2 Addition of new cleared energy products 09/09/2011 Certified 09/10/2011 1
ICLREU2 ICEU is amending the Collateral and Haircut policy to incorporate certain changes to the calculation of absolute collateral limits for bonds provided as Permitted Cover by Clearing Members. 12/19/2017 Certified 01/04/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its CDS Clearing Stress Testing Policy, CDS End of Day Price Discovery Policy, CDS Risk Model Description and CDS Risk Policy and is implementing new CDS Parameters Review Procedures. 03/26/2021 Certified 04/09/2021 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe amends its Clearing Rules, Clearing Procedures, Finance Procedures, Delivery Procedures, CDS Procedures, Membership Procedures, Complaint Resolution Procedures and General Contract Terms to make various updates and enhancements. 07/01/2021 Certified 07/16/2021 2
ICLREU2 List of additional cleared OTC contracts 04/13/2011 Certified 04/13/2011 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe submits for self-certification modifications to its CDS margin methodology in connection with the acceptance for clearing of new Western European sovereign CDS contracts. 04/09/2014 Certified 04/24/2014 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited is amending its Delivery Procedures to add a new Part N2 thereto, which will apply to certain ICE Futures Europe Deliverable Carbon Contracts. 03/07/2023 Certified 03/20/2023 2
ICLREU2 ICEU is updating Part N2 of its Delivery Procedures to update provisions relating to the delivery timetable for ICE Deliverable Carbon Contracts and Part Q to update certain requirements relating to delivery of hard copies of relevant delivery documents. 04/17/2024 Certified 05/01/2024 3
ICLREU2 ICEU is amending the charges to Clearing Members and rates of return paid to Clearing Members in respect of margin and guaranty fund deposits 01/24/2017 Certified 02/06/2017 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is adopting a new Futures and Options Default Management Policy, which will address procedures and requirements for the Clearing House's management of an Event of Default with respect to an F&O Clearing Member. 04/17/2023 Certified 05/01/2023 2
ICLREU2 Amendments to CDS Procedures to incorporate terms for the CDX North America Index CDS Contracts to be cleared by ICE Clear Europe. 03/06/2015 Certified 03/19/2015 1
ICLREU2 Changes to SPAN margin methodology 03/16/2012 Certified 03/31/2012 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to Permitted Cover rules, haircut rates. 03/16/2012 Certified 03/31/2012 1
ICLREU2 ICEU is modifying its CDS Stress Testing Policy, among other matters, to recategorize certain CDS stress testing scenarios, address specific wrong way risk, introduce new forward looking credit event scenarios. 05/18/2018 Certified 06/04/2018 2
ICLREU2 The purpose of the proposed changes is to amend the ICEU Rules to clarify the operation of certain provisions in light of requirements under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 05/18/2018 Certified 06/04/2018 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Rules and Procedures to make various drafting updates, clarifications and corrections. 10/17/2019 Certified 10/31/2019 4
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend Part GG of its Delivery Procedures to update certain documentation, timing and other requirements relating to delivery under ICE Futures Abu Dhabi Murban Crude Oil Futures Contracts 10/28/2022 Certified 11/14/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend Part N1 of its Delivery Procedures to update the delivery timetable for ICE Deliverable US Emissions Contracts 10/28/2022 Certified 11/14/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe submits for self-certification rule amendments that address clearinghouse recovery and wind-down and default management enhancements. 01/16/2014 Certified 02/01/2014 1
ICLREU2 Rule and procedure amendments related to the extension of customer clearing to credit default swap transactions. 09/13/2012 Certified 09/28/2012 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is adopting amendments to its Clearing Rules and Procedures in order for it to commence clearing natural gas spot contracts traded on the ICE Endex UK and ICE Endex Continental markets. 06/02/2015 Certified 06/16/2015 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its CDS Procedures 12/23/2019 Certified 01/08/2020 2
ICLREU2 ICEU proposes to adopt amendmendments to the CDS Risk Policy related to portfolio margining. 09/12/2017 Certified 09/26/2017 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is proposing to make certain amendments to its Liquidity Plan to address changes in its treasury activities and to make certain enhancements to liquidity risk stress testing scenarios and other clarifications. 10/03/2018 Certified 10/17/2018 2
ICLREU2 To modify the ICEU Rules to clarify the application of certain default-related provisions in the context of resolution proceedings with respect to the Clearing House or a Clearing Member. 03/24/2016 Certified 04/06/2016 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is proposing to amend its F&O Risk Procedures. 10/22/2019 Certified 11/04/2019 2
ICLREU2 Amendments to contract terms for Brent 1st Line Swap 09/22/2011 Certified 10/07/2011 1
ICLREU2 To modify the ICEU Rules to clarify the application of certain default-related provisions in the context of resolution proceedings with respect to the Clearing House or a Clearing Member. 02/01/2017 Certified 02/15/2017 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its clearing fees for ICE Futures U.S. RIN and RVO Futures and Option on Futures Contracts. 01/15/2024 Certified 01/29/2024 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe submits for self-certification new Rule 110(g), which addresses ICE Clear Europe's ability to delay variation margin settlement under Rule 110. 03/21/2014 Certified 04/05/2014 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Rules relating to Clearing House default management, recovery and wind-down to address the risk of uncovered losses from a Clearing Member default or series of defaults, among other risks. 05/29/2019 Certified 06/11/2019 5
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Rules and General Contract Terms in order to provide clearing services for F&O contracts to ICE Futures Abu Dhabi. 11/20/2019 Certified 12/05/2019 3
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to modify Part N of its Delivery Procedures to to include delivery specifications applicable to a new ICE Futures Europe futures contract, the ICE Deliverable Carbon Credit Contract 04/07/2022 Certified 04/20/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICEU 40.5 commingling request for IFAD 07/03/2020 Approved 08/18/2020 4
ICLREU2 Changes to Clearing Rules (Part 7 & 8) - EDSP/ERCOT Rule changes 06/17/2022 Certified 07/01/2022 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is retiring its Risk Identification Framework, which the Clearing House believes is outdated and has been superseded by other of the Clearing House's rules, policies, procedures and risk management practices. 12/06/2023 Certified 12/20/2023 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Delivery Procedures to add a new Section 11 and a new Part FF to address delivery relating to the ICE NYH ULSD Futures Contracts and the NYH ULSHO Futures Contracts 07/10/2019 Certified 07/23/2019 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend its Delivery Procedures to make certain clarifications and updates 11/04/2022 Certified 11/18/2022 2