Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 075-22 related to products cleared outside Eurex Clearing's DCO license (Eurex Deutschland, Repo, Frankfurter Wertpapierbrse) 10/11/2022 Certified 10/25/2022 2
CCORP CBOT references, Guaranty Fund, clearing members 03/11/2004 Certified 03/11/2004 1
OCC Change to clearing agreement schedule with ELX to add the clearing of 3 month, $1,000,000 Eurodollar Time Deposit futures contracts. 06/16/2010 Certified 06/18/2010 1
ICLREU2 List of New OTC Cleared Product Specifications 02/17/2011 Certified 02/17/2011 1
CME Changes to CME's offering for cleared interest rate swaps; 12-204 06/15/2012 Certified 06/30/2012 2
LCHLTD Acceptance for clearing of FRAs with upfront fees by the LCH.Clearnet Ltd SwapClear service. 02/04/2014 Certified 02/20/2014 1
SGX-DC Rule amendments for changes to the SGX-DC Clearing Fund and changes to the default management process and the SGX-DC Clearing Fund in relation to OTC financial derivatives contracts. 02/27/2014 Certified 03/14/2014 1
CME Implementation of the OTC Interest Rate Swap Dealer Founding Member Incentive Program 02/12/2015 Certified 02/27/2015 2
ICLREU2 To clarify the account in which positions of affiliates of Clearing Members are to be maintained, in light of applicable US and EU regulatory requirements. 04/28/2016 Certified 05/12/2016 2
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self Certification: Criminal Finance Act amendment rule changes. This amendment clarifies that the Clearing Member warranty is limited in scope to those activities in relation to its status as a CM. 03/15/2018 Certified 03/29/2018 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are to facilitate SGX-DC's acceptance for clearing of the Panamax Route P2E FFA and Capesize Route C7 FFA. In particular, the Amendments specify the FSP methodology of the Contracts in the SGX-DC Clearing Rules. 05/02/2018 Certified 05/15/2018 1
LCHLTD LCH is self certifying minor rule changes on the ForexClear Service Procedures regarding Calendar Adjustments and the Automatic Exercise of FX Options Contracts 11/21/2018 Certified 12/06/2018 1
ICLREU2 Filing for F&O Stress Testing Policy and Methodology 07/31/2020 Certified 08/14/2020 2
CME Implementation of the FEX Strip Option Expiration Fee Waiver Program 03/10/2021 Certified 03/24/2021 1
LCHSA LCH SA is proposing to expand the eligible non-cash collateral by amending its CDSClear Clearing Rulebook and publishing a new Clearing Notice. LCH SA is also amending its Liquidity Risk Modelling Framework. 10/08/2021 Certified 10/25/2021 5
LCHSA LCH SA is proposing to amend its CDS Clearing Rules to implement a delegation mechanism for clients of CDSClear clearing members that would apply in the context of the restructuring notification process for swaptions. 04/19/2022 Certified 05/03/2022 1
NYMEX NYMEX Early Adopter Liquidity Provider Program; 12-207 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
LCHLTD Enable multiple Client "C" accounts to be created by Clearing Members to enable them to segregate their business ahead of the introduction of EMIR ISA and OSA accounts. 02/04/2014 Certified 02/20/2014 1
OCC Proposed rule change concerning The Options Clearing Corporation's escrow deposit program. 08/30/2016 Certified 09/14/2016 1
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 018-17 relating to introducing a minimum size for block trades and flexible options in Options Contracts on Euro-OAT Futures 02/27/2017 Certified 03/13/2017 2
OCC Proposed Rule Change to Revise The Options Clearing Corporation's Schedule of Fees. 07/31/2020 Certified 08/14/2020 2
ICE NGX Updating two definitions in the CPA 03/11/2021 Certified 03/25/2021 2
ICECC ICC proposes changes to the ICC End-of-Day Price Discovery Policies and Procedures. 05/04/2021 Certified 05/18/2021 2
LCHSA LCH SA is updating its fee grid following the proposed extension of the scope of instruments eligible to margin collateral 10/08/2021 Certified 10/25/2021 1
ICECC ICC proposes updates to the Governance Playbook. 04/18/2022 Certified 05/02/2022 2
OCC By-Law amendment to modify provisions that determine whether outstanding stock options will be adjusted to reflect special cash dividends. 07/24/2008 Certified 07/29/2008 1
NYMEX Legacy GreenX Broker Broker Member Incentives Program; 12-205 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
ICLREU2 Technical changes to rules to reflect ICE Clear Europe Limited's clearing of certain energy futures and options contracts to be listed on ICE Futures U.S., Inc. 09/07/2012 Certified 09/22/2012 1
LCHLTD Rule changes clarifying ForexClear and EnClear's rights to eject cleared contracts. 04/29/2013 Certified 05/14/2013 1
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule Applicable to OTC Credit Default Swap Clearing 01/10/2014 Certified 01/28/2014 1
SGX-DC SGX will be introducing a new derivatives trading and clearing system, Titan. While there are no substantial changes to the SGX-DC Clearing Rules in respect of the introduction of Titan, amendments have been proposed for greater clarity. 08/30/2016 Certified 09/14/2016 1
SGX-DC The Amendments are made in respect of the removal of the margin requirements for over-the-counter spot trades under SGX-DC Clearing Rule 7.22.1A. 01/08/2017 Certified 01/23/2017 1
MGEX Amendment to MGEX Rule 2071.00. to provide further clarification. 05/26/2017 Certified 06/12/2017 1
LCHLTD Rulebook changes in support of the LCH LTD ForexClear service launch of clearing for FX Options. 03/15/2018 Certified 03/29/2018 1
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 041-18 related to the listing of options on iShares Physical Gold ETC 05/02/2018 Certified 05/16/2018 2
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes to formalize the ICC Back-Testing Framework. 02/11/2019 Certified 02/26/2019 2
ICE NGX Addition of four physically-settled natural gas futures transactions (the "New Futures Contracts") 03/05/2020 Certified 03/19/2020 1
OCC Proposed amendments to OCC Rule 1111. 04/19/2022 Certified 05/03/2022 3
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification revisions to its rules to expand its eligible SwapClear transactions as well as make an operational enhancement related to basis swap splitting. 11/25/2022 Certified 12/09/2022 7
OCC Amendment changing description of fixed exercise settlement amount and clarifying that escrow deposits are not permitted in respect of binary options 07/23/2008 Certified 07/29/2008 1
ICLR US Amendments to By-Law Section 5.5 to revise order in which assets and sources are to be applied to cover a defaulted obligation of a cleairng member and to Rule 505 to allow use of pass-through letters of credit in lieu of cash margin deposits. 06/08/2009 Certified 06/09/2009 1
ICE NGX Amendments to the Product Schedule of the NGX rulebook which is the Contracting Party's Agreement 01/13/2010 Certified 01/20/2010 1
NYMEX Legacy Green X CPC Incentive Program; 12-206 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to post-default rules and methodology. 11/14/2012 Certified 11/14/2012 1
CME Changes to rulebook in accordance with CME's status as a "deemed registered" clearing agency under the Exchange Act; 13-001. 01/03/2013 Certified 01/18/2013 1
LCHLTD Changes to onboarding process related to the provision of pricing and market data. Claryifing amendments also made. 05/01/2013 Certified 05/16/2013 1
OCC This proposed rule change will facilitate OCC's compliance with CFTC requirements for DCOs that accept deposits of futures customer funds. 02/26/2014 Certified 03/13/2014 1
LCHSA Clearing Notices linked to management systems change and related amendments to CDS Clearing Rules 11/19/2014 Certified 12/04/2014 1
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule for Over-the-Counter ("OTC") Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") to Establish Fees for IRS Compression Services 09/08/2015 Certified 09/22/2015 1
ICLR US Amendment to By-Law Section 5.4 re: custodial failures 04/28/2016 Certified 05/12/2016 1