Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification revisions to its rules to expand its eligible SwapClear transactions as well as make an operational enhancement related to basis swap splitting. 11/25/2022 Certified 12/09/2022 7
OCC Amendment changing description of fixed exercise settlement amount and clarifying that escrow deposits are not permitted in respect of binary options 07/23/2008 Certified 07/29/2008 1
ICLR US Amendments to By-Law Section 5.5 to revise order in which assets and sources are to be applied to cover a defaulted obligation of a cleairng member and to Rule 505 to allow use of pass-through letters of credit in lieu of cash margin deposits. 06/08/2009 Certified 06/09/2009 1
ICE NGX Amendments to the Product Schedule of the NGX rulebook which is the Contracting Party's Agreement 01/13/2010 Certified 01/20/2010 1
NYMEX Legacy Green X CPC Incentive Program; 12-206 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 1
LCHLTD Amendments to post-default rules and methodology. 11/14/2012 Certified 11/14/2012 1
CME Changes to rulebook in accordance with CME's status as a "deemed registered" clearing agency under the Exchange Act; 13-001. 01/03/2013 Certified 01/18/2013 1
LCHLTD Changes to onboarding process related to the provision of pricing and market data. Claryifing amendments also made. 05/01/2013 Certified 05/16/2013 1
OCC This proposed rule change will facilitate OCC's compliance with CFTC requirements for DCOs that accept deposits of futures customer funds. 02/26/2014 Certified 03/13/2014 1
LCHSA Clearing Notices linked to management systems change and related amendments to CDS Clearing Rules 11/19/2014 Certified 12/04/2014 1
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule for Over-the-Counter ("OTC") Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") to Establish Fees for IRS Compression Services 09/08/2015 Certified 09/22/2015 1
ICLR US Amendment to By-Law Section 5.4 re: custodial failures 04/28/2016 Certified 05/12/2016 1
OCC Proposed rule change concerning changes to OCC's management structure. 02/27/2017 Certified 03/13/2017 2
EUREX Stated policy in Eurex Clearing Circular 060-17 regarding compliance with A4ticle 3 of the MIFID regulations (i.e., the 10-second rule) 07/05/2017 Certified 07/19/2017 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Changes to F&O Initial Contribution 03/15/2018 Certified 03/29/2018 2
ICE NGX This amendment provides ICE NGX with enhanced powers to call for additional Eligible Collateral Support from Contracting Parties. 11/26/2018 Certified 12/10/2018 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 065-20 related to changing the the tick sizes and transaction fees for futures for outright or calendar spreads in DAXr, Mini-DAXr, and EURO STOXXr Banks Sector Index Futures 08/01/2020 Certified 08/14/2020 2
CME Modifications to Discounting and Price Alignment for Emerging Markets Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") and Over the Counter Foreign Exchange ("OTC FX") Products to Transition to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate ("SOFR") and Euro Short Term Rate ("?STR") 03/11/2021 Certified 03/25/2021 1
MGEX Rule certification that add Corporate Tax Futures to the MGEX reporting deadlines. 05/04/2021 Certified 05/18/2021 1
ICLREU2 ICEU proposes to modify its Delivery Procedures to add a new Part HH to address new ICE Endex French PEG Natural Gas Futures and ICE Endex French PEG Natural Gas Daily Futures which are futures contracts traded on ICE Endex and cleared through ICEU 12/23/2021 Certified 01/10/2022 2
ICE NGX Amendment to fee schedule of the Contracting Party's Agreement to remove fees for one-leg location and calendar spreads in natural gas swap products. 01/12/2010 Certified 01/20/2010 1
ICLREU2 Amendments to add DCM Customer Account structure 05/27/2011 Certified 05/27/2011 1
NYMEX Legacy GreenX Volume and Liquidity Provider Program; 12-209 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
OCC Changes clarify when OCC may refuse a margin withdrawal request or request additional intra-day margin. SR-OCC-2012-21. 11/13/2012 Certified 11/29/2012 1
LCHLTD Inclusion of Traiana, Inc. as a matcher in addition to the existing matcher, MarkitSERV. 05/01/2013 Certified 05/16/2013 1
ICLREU2 ICEU proposes to modify its Delivery Procedures to revise the delivery specifications related to Midland West Texas Intermediate American Gulf Coast Crude Oil Futures consistent with changes to contract terms made by ICE Future Europe and other changes 12/23/2021 Certified 01/10/2022 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 088-22 related to Article 9 (14) of the CCP Recovery & Resolution Regulation's requirement that Eurex Clearing implement a second layer of pre-funded own resources, called SSITG 11/28/2022 Certified 12/12/2022 2
OCC ByLaw V, VIII, Margin Committee to Risk Committee 07/19/2006 Certified 07/19/2006 1
CCORP Definition of Exchange Market is amended to inlcude mini$DAX Index Futures 09/12/2008 Certified 09/29/2008 1
OCC Change to By-Laws and Rules to accomodate options for which the premium and exercise price are expressed on other than a per unit basis. 01/14/2010 Certified 01/20/2010 1
NYMEX European Union Allowance and Certified Commission Production futures and spread contracts Market Making program; 12-210 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 1
OCC Rule amendment eliminates potential ambiguity as to OCC's right to use margin credited to Liquidating Settlement Account to settle mark-to-market payments arising from stock loan and borrow positions in customer accounts; SR-OCC-2012-22. 11/13/2012 Certified 11/29/2012 1
LCHLLC Self-certification in support of the introduction of the LSOC with Excess model. 02/27/2014 Certified 03/14/2014 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe submits for self-certification rule amendments that limit the use of non-USD collateral for original margin requirements by FCM/BD Clearing Members in connection with customer transactions in the F&O product category. 05/23/2014 Certified 06/10/2014 1
SGX-DC Rule amendments to specify the methodology for calculation of final settlement prices of the SGX petrochemical swaps contracts, which are intended to be accepted for clearing in the fourth quarter of 2014 09/23/2014 Certified 10/06/2014 1
LCHLTD LCH.Clearnet Limited is proposing rule changes to include a definition of the term `Applicable Law' and a requirementfor Clearing Members with clearing clients incorporated in Singapore to provide a disclosure notice tothose clients. 01/21/2016 Certified 02/04/2016 1
LCHSA Self Certification of amendments to CDS clearing rules relating to extension of CDS clearing service to the clearing of CDX investment grade indices and related US Single Names 03/09/2016 Certified 03/23/2016 1
EUREX Proposed rule changes in Eurex Clearing Circular 127-16 related to the introduction of EURO STOXX 50 Total Return Futures 10/21/2016 Certified 11/04/2016 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 066-17 relating to clarifying amendments to the Default Management Process 07/05/2017 Certified 07/19/2017 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 087-18 related to requiring that FCM Clearing Members generally perform a take-up or reject any incoming client swap transaction within ten minutes and further clarifying amendments 10/19/2018 Certified 11/02/2018 2
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self-Certification: SwapClear Initial Margin parameter update 06/14/2019 Certified 06/28/2019 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its F&O Risk Procedures principally to reflect the introduction of the ICE Risk Model 2 for certain products, consistent with the current ICE Clear Europe F&O Risk Policy. 05/15/2024 Certified 05/30/2024 2
ICLR US Amendments to increase the minimum required deposit to the Guaranty Fund and eliminate the defunct category of self-clearing member 11/21/2007 Certified 11/27/2007 1
OCC Rule changes revising eligibility requirements for deposit of ETFs and stocks as margin. 04/14/2009 Certified 04/16/2009 1
NYMEX Legacy GreenX Member Trader Incentive Program; 12-211 06/18/2012 Certified 07/03/2012 2
OCC Changes to Stock Loan/Hedge Program and Market Loan Program; SR-OCC-2012-24. 01/09/2013 Certified 01/25/2013 1
LCHLTD Changes to default rules re: clearing of futures. 12/09/2013 Certified 12/24/2013 1
SGX-DC Rule amendments for changes to the SGX-DC Clearing Fund and changes to the default management process and the SGX-DC Clearing Fund in relation to OTC financial derivatives contracts. Amendment to a previous self-certification filed by SGX-DC on 2-27-14. 05/27/2014 Certified 06/11/2014 1
CME Collateral Limit Exemption for Clearing Members and Qualifying Non-Financial Customers 09/23/2014 Certified 10/07/2014 2
CME Amendments to Rule 806 ("Offset Process") and Rule 854 ("Concurrent Long and Short Positions") 03/09/2016 Certified 03/23/2016 1