Enforcement Actions

The CFTC Division of Enforcement investigates and prosecutes alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission regulations. The CFTC takes enforcement actions against individuals and firms registered with the Commission, those who are engaged in commodity futures and option trading on designated domestic exchanges, and those who improperly market futures and options contracts.

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View Opinions and Adjudicatory Orders

CFTC Settles with TeraExchange LLC for Failing to Enforce Prohibitions on Wash Trading and Prearranged Trading in Bitcoin Swap
CFTC Orders Pennsylvania Resident Robert M. McMahon to Pay $171,800 Civil Monetary Penalty and Imposes Permanent Trading and Registration Bans for Engaging in Deceptive Trade Allocation Scheme
CFTC Charges Florida Company Mintco LLC and Florida Residents Stuart Rubin and Richard Q. Zimmerman with Engaging in Illegal, Off-Exchange Precious Metals Transactions and Defrauding Customers
CFTC Orders Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. to Pay a $150,000 Penalty for Inaccurate Large Trader Reports for Physical Commodity Swap Positions
CFTC Orders Indiana Resident Terry Lee Phillips and his Two Companies to Pay Restitution and a Civil Monetary Penalty Totaling More than $234,000 for Fraud and Misappropriation
CFTC Orders Bitcoin Options Trading Platform Operator and its CEO to Cease Illegally Offering Bitcoin Options and to Cease Operating a Facility for Trading or Processing of Swaps without Registering
CFTC Charges California Resident Hannes Tulving, Jr., through his company, The Tulving Company, Inc., with Misappropriation and Fraudulent Solicitation in a $17.8 Million Precious Metals Scheme
CFTC Publishes List of Foreign Entities that Illegally Solicit U.S. Residents to Trade Foreign Currency and Binary Options
Commodity Pool Operator Sentenced to 17 Years’ Incarceration for Fraud
CFTC Orders Forex Capital Markets, LLC to Pay More Than $843,000 for Supervision and Record-Production Violations and for Violating a Previous Commission Order