Enforcement Actions

The CFTC Division of Enforcement investigates and prosecutes alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission regulations. The CFTC takes enforcement actions against individuals and firms registered with the Commission, those who are engaged in commodity futures and option trading on designated domestic exchanges, and those who improperly market futures and options contracts.

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CFTC Charges Tennessee and Kentucky Residents Rodney Scott Phelps and Jason T. Castenir and Their Company, Maverick Asset Management, LLC, with Commodity Pool Fraud and Other Violations
Federal Court in North Carolina Enters Judgment against Ron Earl McCullough and David Christopher Mayhew in Foreign Currency Ponzi Scheme
Federal Court in Illinois Orders Former Sentinel Management Group, Inc. Senior Vice President Charles K. Mosley to Pay More than $2 Million for Misusing Customer Funds
CFTC Orders Swap Dealer INTL FCStone Markets, LLC to Pay a $200,000 Civil Monetary Penalty for Failure to Supervise Swaps Trading in Violation of CFTC Regulation 23.602
CFTC Charges New York Resident Gary Creagh and his Company, Wall Street Pirate Management, LLC, with Making False Statements to the National Futures Association
CFTC Orders Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC to Pay a $300,000 Civil Monetary Penalty for Violations of Customer Protection Rule for Cleared Swaps and Related Supervision Failures
New York Federal Court Orders New York Financial Advisor Wayne P. Weddington III and His Companies to Pay More than $1 Million for Commodity Pool Fraud and Unregistered Activity
CFTC Charges Illinois Resident Husam Tayeh, Dinar Corp., Inc., and My Monex, Inc. with Fraud and Other Violations Involving Foreign Currency Scheme
Court Orders $76 Million in Civil Monetary Penalties against Keith F. Simmons, Deanna Salazar and Their Companies in Connection with Foreign Currency Ponzi Scheme
Federal Court Orders Florida Attorney Jay Bruce Grossman to Pay a Civil Penalty and Restitution Totaling $883,000