
CFTC's Seal Homecoming Ceremony Held at New York Office
CFTC New York Office – New York , NY
The CFTC's Office of International Affairs Hosts a Delegation of Government Officials from Russia
Washington , DC
The CFTC's Office of External Affairs Hosts an Eastern European Delegation of Financial Executives
Washington , DC
CFTC Roundtable on CTA and CPO Issues
CFTC Hearing Room – Washington , DC
CFTC Roundtable on Clearing Issues
CFTC Hearing Room – Washington , DC
Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting to discuss cyber security, developments in clearing, and final subcommittee reports on standardization and market access. Full details, including agenda, here.
Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting to discuss reports on standardization and market access, and responses to the September 11 disaster by exchanges, market participants, and the Commission. Full details, including agenda, here.