
Title: 16-69


Interpretation of CFTC regulations 39.11(e)(1); 39.13(g)(10); 39.15(c) and (e); and 39.36(f) in light of amendments to Securities and Exchange Commission rule 2a-7.


Title: 16-61


Staff of the Division of Clearing and Risk prepared guidance to DCOs in order to aid DCOs in revising and improving their Recovery Plans and Wind-down Plans, and in preparing proposed rule submissions to implement their Recovery Plans and Wind-down Plans.


Title: 13-87


To give the Commission sufficient time to review the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc.’s proposed rule changes to comply with Regulation 39.33(c), which were filed on December 19, 2013, the staff of the Division of Clearing and Risk issued a letter to Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. for time limited no-action relief for failing to comply with such regulation.