
Title: 16-16


The CPO of an exempt commodity pool with two participants, a controlling principal of the CPO and an LLC owned by the principal, requested relief from the audit requirement in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d)(1). DSIO granted relief for the pool’s 2015 annual report, conditioned upon the filing of an uncertified annual report for the 2015 fiscal year that otherwise complies with Regulation 4.7(b)(3).


Title: 16-15


A CPO requested exemptive relief from the annual report requirement in Regulation 4.7(b)(3), to allow it to file an annual report for its exempt pool for the period from December 1, 2015, the date it began operations, to December 31, 2016. DSIO granted relief conditioned upon the future filing and distribution of a certified Annual Report for the period from December 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016.


Title: 16-14


A CPO requested exemptive relief from the annual report requirement in Regulation 4.7(b)(3), to allow it to file an annual report for its exempt pool for the period from August 3, 2015, the date the pool began trading, to December 31, 2016. DSIO granted relief conditioned upon the future filing and distribution of a certified Annual Report for the period from August 3, 2015 to December 31, 2016.


Title: 16-13


A CPO requested exemptive relief from the annual report requirement in Regulation 4.7(b)(3), to allow it to file an annual report for its exempt pool for the period from August 1, 2015, the date the pool began trading, to December 31, 2016. DSIO granted relief conditioned upon the future filing and distribution of a certified Annual Report for the period from August 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016.


Title: 16-12


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO of a pool from the audit requirement of Commission regulation 4.22(d) with respect to the pool’s 2015 annual report. The CPO has provided a waiver from the sole participant of the pool.


Title: 16-11


Exemptive relief granted to a CPO of a pool from the audit requirements of Commission regulation 4.22(d) with respect to the financial statements in the 2015 annual report of the pool. The CPO has provided a waiver from the sole participant of the pool.


Title: 16-09


Extension of time-limited no-action relief with respect to certain Commodity Exchange Act provisions that may apply to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. and/or its participants.


Title: 16-08


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight is issuing a no-action letter that would permit IBs, CPOs, and CTAs to rely on the exemption from registration in Commission Regulation 3.10(c)(3)(i) if their activities include swaps that are not subject to a Commission clearing requirement even if such swaps are not submitted for clearing through a registered FCM.


Title: 16-07


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight provided no-action relief from CPO and CTA registration to the Board of Trustees of a pension plan group trust comprised of two plans: one that is a “qualifying entity” under Regulation 4.5, and another that is “not construed to be a pool” under that same rule.