
Title: 14-59


The CPO of a commodity pool requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93, relief from the Annual Report filing and certification requirements in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d) for fiscal year 2013 due to the pool’s ongoing significant exposure to an FCM bankruptcy and permission to file uncertified annual reports in lieu thereof.


Title: 14-58


The CPO of a commodity pool requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93, relief from the Annual Report filing and certification requirements in Regulations 4.22(c) and 4.22(d) for fiscal year 2013 and permission to file uncertified annual reports in lieu thereof and attached a waiver from the non-proprietary participant.


Title: 14-55


No-action relief regarding format of acknowledgment letters and format and content of daily reports for DCO winding down operations in anticipation of vacating its DCO registration.


Title: 14-54


The CPO of a commodity pool requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93, relief from the Annual Report filing and certification requirements in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d). The CPO requested permission to file an uncertified annual report for fiscal year 2013.


Title: 14-53


The CPO of a commodity pool requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93, relief from the Annual Report filing and certification requirements in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d) for fiscal year 2013.


Title: 14-52


The CPOs of a commodity pool requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93, relief from the Annual Report filing requirements in Regulation 4.22(c) for fiscal year 2013 and requested to be permitted to file with NFA and distribute to participants an annual report for the pool covering the period from January 1, 2013 to March 24, 2014, when the pool permanently ceased trading.


Title: 14-51


The CPO of a commodity pool requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93, relief from the Annual Report filing and certification requirements in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d) and permission to distribute and file a 15-month annual report covering the period from inception of trading on October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014.


Title: 14-49


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight granted exemptive relief pursuant to Commission regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93 to a commodity pool operator of several commodity pools operating pursuant to an exemption under Commission regulation 4.7 whose only participants are principals, senior employees, portfolio managers of the commodity pool operator, and trusts controlled by the principals of the commodity pool operator from the requirement to have an independent public accountant audit the financial statements in the commodity pool’s annual report for fiscal year 2013 and goin


Title: 14-48


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight granted exemptive relief pursuant to Commission regulations 4.12(a) and 140.93 to a commodity pool operator of a commodity pool from the annual report filing requirements in Commission regulation 4.22(c) and permitted the commodity pool operator to file with the National Futures Association and distribute to participants an annual report for the commodity pool covering the period from January 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014, which was when the pool permanently ceased trading, by April 30, 2014 that otherwise complies with all other applicab


Title: 14-47


The CPO of a commodity pool requested relief from the Annual Report filing and certification requirements in Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(d). The CPO requested permission to file a 15-month annual report for the period from inception of trading on October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014. The CPO represented that the pool has one participant and attached waivers from both evidencing consent to the relief requested.