
Title: 14-39


Extension of joint no-action relief granted by DCR and DMO on September 27, 2013, allowing LCH.Clearnet Ltd to clear contracts listed for trading on Nodal Exchange LLC.


Title: 14-33


Time-Limited No-Action Relief for Certain Members of a Designated Contract Market from the Requirement to Record Oral Communications, Pursuant to Commission Regulation 1.35(a), in Connection with the Execution of Swap Transactions


Title: 14-31


Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Relief with respect to Swaps Trading on Certain Multilateral Trading Facilities Overseen by Competent Authorities Designated by European Union Member States


Title: 14-26


No-action letter providing time-limited no-action relief from the requirements of the trade execution requirement in Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) section 2(h)(8) to Eligible Affiliate Counterparties, as defined in Commission regulation 50.52(a) of the Commission’s regulations, that engage in swap transactions with one another that involve a swap subject to the trade execution requirement.


Title: 14-20


Staff from the Division of Market Oversight and the Division of Clearing and Risk issued an Advisory, which helps provide clarity to certain market participants regarding certain statements made in the Final Order in Response to a Petition from Certain Independent system Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations to Exempt Specified Transactions Authorized by a Tariff or Protocol Approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the Public Utility Commission of Texas from Certain Provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act Pursuant to the Authority Provided in the Act.


Title: 14-18


No-Action Relief with Respect to Certain Commodity Exchange Act Provisions That May Apply to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. and/or Its Participants


Title: 14-16


Conditional No-Action Relief with respect to Swaps Trading on Certain Multilateral Trading Facilities Overseen by Competent Authorities Designated by European Union Member States


Title: 14-15


Time-Limited No-Action Relief with respect to Swaps Trading on Certain Multilateral Trading Facilities Overseen by Competent Authorities Designated by European Union Member States


Title: 14-147


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight and the Division of Market Oversight issued time-limited no-action relief with respect to some of the recordkeeping requirements under Regulation 1.35(a). The letter extends and expands the relief provided in CFTC Staff Letter No. 14-60 by relieving CTAs from the requirement to record oral communications under Regulation 1.35(a). The letter also provides relief for market participants from the requirement to link records of oral and written communications that lead to the execution of a transaction with any particular transaction.


Title: 14-141


CFTC’s Division of Market Oversight issues time-limited no-action relief from certain requirements of Part 45 and Part 46 of the Commission’s regulations, for Certain Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants established under the laws of Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan and Switzerland