
Title: 17-09


No-action relief granted to an entity from registering as a CPO with respect to a commodity pool; provided, that it delegates its CPO responsibilities to a registered CPO, subject to certain conditions.


Title: 17-08


No-action relief granted to an entity from registering as a CPO with respect to a commodity pool; provided, that it delegates its CPO responsibilities to a registered CPO, subject to certain conditions.


Title: 17-07


No-action relief granted to an entity from registering as a CPO with respect to a commodity pool; provided, that it delegates its CPO responsibilities to a registered CPO, subject to certain conditions.


Title: 17-01


No-action relief granted to an entity from registering as a CPO with respect to several commodity pools; provided, that it delegates its CPO responsibilities to a registered CPO, subject to certain conditions.


Title: 16-46


Consistent with CFTC Staff Letters 12-37 and 14-143, and its past practice in this area, the Division granted no-action relief from CPO and CTA registration to a family office that provides investment management and advisory services to a single family.


Title: 16-07


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight provided no-action relief from CPO and CTA registration to the Board of Trustees of a pension plan group trust comprised of two plans: one that is a “qualifying entity” under Regulation 4.5, and another that is “not construed to be a pool” under that same rule.


Title: 15-46


No-Action letter permitting, subject to certain conditions, the CPO of a pool organized as a UCITS that holds funds contributed by employees of its U.S. management company to operate said pool and its subfunds without registering as a CPO.


Title: 15-22


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight took a CPO and CTA registration no-action position with respect to the use of wholly-owned United States subsidiaries by a Canadian company to participate in commodity pools organized and operated in the United States. The Canadian company is the real estate investment subsidiary of an entity formed by a Canadian province to invest assets of pension and insurance plans.


Title: 14-96


No action relief to an entity and its affiliates for their failure to register as CPOs of pools holding volume production payment instruments, which issue debt or debt-like instruments, and which use swaps to hedge commodity market risk and interest rate exposure.


Title: 14-84


Form of Reply for CFTC Letter No. 14-75, 14-76, 14-77, 14-78, 14-79, 14-80, 14-81, 14-82, 14-83, and 14-84