
Title: 17-02


No-action letter permitting, subject to certain conditions, the CPO of a pool comprised solely of sophisticated institutions that do not invest in the pool for the primary purpose of obtaining an investment return, but rather as part of their respective mandates to promote sustainable economic development to operate said pool without registering as a CPO.


Title: 17-01


No-action relief granted to an entity from registering as a CPO with respect to several commodity pools; provided, that it delegates its CPO responsibilities to a registered CPO, subject to certain conditions.


Title: 16-46


Consistent with CFTC Staff Letters 12-37 and 14-143, and its past practice in this area, the Division granted no-action relief from CPO and CTA registration to a family office that provides investment management and advisory services to a single family.


Title: 16-34


Interpretative relief granted that states that a pool that is only funded and traded by two brothers is not a commodity pool


Title: 16-07


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight provided no-action relief from CPO and CTA registration to the Board of Trustees of a pension plan group trust comprised of two plans: one that is a “qualifying entity” under Regulation 4.5, and another that is “not construed to be a pool” under that same rule.


Title: 15-46


No-Action letter permitting, subject to certain conditions, the CPO of a pool organized as a UCITS that holds funds contributed by employees of its U.S. management company to operate said pool and its subfunds without registering as a CPO.


Title: 15-37


No-Action Relief from Introducing Broker and Commodity Trading Advisor registration for persons located outside the United States in connection with certain activities for customers that are International Financial Institutions.


Title: 15-22


The Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight took a CPO and CTA registration no-action position with respect to the use of wholly-owned United States subsidiaries by a Canadian company to participate in commodity pools organized and operated in the United States. The Canadian company is the real estate investment subsidiary of an entity formed by a Canadian province to invest assets of pension and insurance plans.


Title: 14-96


No action relief to an entity and its affiliates for their failure to register as CPOs of pools holding volume production payment instruments, which issue debt or debt-like instruments, and which use swaps to hedge commodity market risk and interest rate exposure.


Title: 14-84


Form of Reply for CFTC Letter No. 14-75, 14-76, 14-77, 14-78, 14-79, 14-80, 14-81, 14-82, 14-83, and 14-84