Swap Execution Facility Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
TRAD Amendment to Tradition SEF, Inc. Fee Schedule 09/06/2018 Certified 09/20/2018 3
NEXSEF Amended Rulebook 08/27/2018 Certified 09/11/2018 3
BSEF Bloomberg SEF LLC - Rule Amendment - Amended Rulebook (BSEF-2018-R-07) 08/16/2018 Certified 08/30/2018 1
RF SEF Thomson Reuters (SEF) LLC ("TR SEF") wishes to amend certain rules in its Rulebook. 08/10/2018 Certified 08/24/2018 2
CBOESEF Changes to definitions of "Credit Limits," "Participant Data," and "Primary Economic Terms." Clarification on right to cancel PB transactions, dispute resolution between Participants, SEF right to audit Participants' use of SEF Market Data. 08/06/2018 Certified 08/20/2018 1
NEXSEF Amended Fee Program 08/03/2018 Certified 08/17/2018 2
TDERIV Change of exchange opening hours 08/14/2018 Notified 08/14/2018 1
BSEF Bloomberg SEF LLC-Rule Amendment-Amended Compliance Manual (BSEF-2018-R-06) 07/26/2018 Certified 08/09/2018 2
BSEF Bloomberg SEF LLC-Rule Amendment-Amended Rulebook 07/25/2018 Certified 08/08/2018 1
IGDL Updates to SEF Discount Structure Appendix to IGDL's fee schedule. 07/17/2018 Certified 07/31/2018 1
NEXSEF Revised Fee Program discount programs 07/17/2018 Certified 07/31/2018 2
CMESEF Amendments to CME SEF Chapter 10 - U.S. Midwest #1 Busheling Ferrous Scrap (AMM) Swap Contract to Increase Minimum Price Fluctuation and Related Amendments to the Globex Non Reviewable Trading Ranges Table. 07/11/2018 Certified 07/25/2018 1
BSEF Notice to Participants regarding trading halt in trading of interest rates swap contracts on BSEF implemented at approximately 3:52 a.m. EDT on July 2, 2018. 07/02/2018 Certified 07/17/2018 1
BSEF Notice to Participants regarding the lifting of a trading halt in trading of interest rates swap contracts on BSEF implemented at approximately 3:52 a.m. EDT on July 2, 2018. 07/02/2018 Certified 07/17/2018 1
NEXSEF Revised Fee Program 06/18/2018 Certified 07/02/2018 4
TRAD Amendments to Appendix 3 (USD Interest Rate Products Minimum Order Size) of the Trad-X Interest Rate Swap Platform Supplement to revise the minimum order size applied to USD Spread Over Orders placed on the Trad-X Platform. 06/18/2018 Certified 07/02/2018 3
LGX Amendments and changes to LedgerX's Rulebook, Operations Manual, and AML Policy in regards to changes in order types and expansion of operations to Singapore as previously discussed with DMO and DCR staff. 06/11/2018 Certified 06/25/2018 4
TRAD Amendment to Tradition SEF's StreamGlobal Credit Default Swap Trading Platform Supplement. 05/31/2018 Certified 06/14/2018 3
NEXSEF Correction of typographical error in Rule 315 06/08/2018 Notified 06/08/2018 3
RF SEF Thomson Reuters (SEF) LLC ("TR SEF") wishes to amend certain rules in its Rulebook 05/23/2018 Certified 06/07/2018 2
LGX Amendments and changes to LedgerX's Rulebook and Operations Manual to facilitate changes to the SCP order type as previously discussed with DMO and DCR staff. 05/23/2018 Certified 06/07/2018 3
IGDL Regulation 40.6(a) Rule Certification. 05/09/2018 Certified 05/23/2018 1
BSEF Pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act (the "Act") and Section 40.6(a) of theregulations of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the "CFTC", or the"Commission"), Bloomberg SEF LLC ("BSEF") 05/08/2018 Certified 05/22/2018 1
BSEF Pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act (the "Act") and Section 40.6(a) of theregulations of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the "CFTC", or the"Commission"), Bloomberg SEF LLC ("BSEF") 05/08/2018 Certified 05/22/2018 1
ICE SEF The trading and holiday schedule for 2018 is being revised to clarify the reserved maintenance window in Commodity Contracts. 05/22/2018 Notified 05/22/2018 5
NEXSEF Amendment to Rule 802(1) IRS Specifications 05/07/2018 Certified 05/21/2018 3
CBOESEF Cboe SEF is submitting proposed changes to its rules to, among other things, (a) modify the limitation of liability applicable to Cboe SEF, and (b) add an intellectual property indemnification obligation of Cboe SEF. 05/07/2018 Certified 05/21/2018 1
LGX Amendments and changes to LedgerX's Rulebook and Operations Manual to facilitate 24-hour trading as previously discussed with DMO and DCR staff. 05/01/2018 Certified 05/15/2018 3
TDERIV Self-certification of fees to be charged to Participants on the SEF Trading System. 04/19/2018 Certified 05/03/2018 1
NEXSEF Certification of amendments to NEX SEF Rulebook and issuance of a Market Regulation Advisory Notice 04/17/2018 Certified 05/01/2018 5
TDERIV name change for GBP OIS floating rate index 04/30/2018 Notified 04/30/2018 1
TWSEF Amendment to TW SEF Rulebook and Fee Schedule 04/11/2018 Certified 04/25/2018 6
DWSEF DW SEF Rulebook Amendments 04/11/2018 Certified 04/25/2018 4
BSEF Amended Compliance Manual 04/02/2018 Certified 04/16/2018 2
RADSEF Rule amendments to remove references to expired No-Action Letters and add references to new No-Action Letters 03/30/2018 Certified 04/13/2018 3
TRAD Amendments to Tradition SEF Rulebook and StreamGlobal Credit Default Swap Trading Platform Supplement 03/29/2018 Certified 04/12/2018 3
BSEF Bloomberg SEF LLC ("BSEF") hereby notifies the Commission that it hasamended its Rulebook. The amended Rulebook will become effective on April 13, 2018. 03/28/2018 Certified 04/11/2018 1
TDERIV non-substantive rule changes 04/11/2018 Notified 04/11/2018 1
LGX Submission of revised fee schedule. 03/27/2018 Certified 04/10/2018 1
NEXSEF Revised Fee Program 03/16/2018 Certified 03/30/2018 2
BSEF Revised BSEF fee schedule 03/14/2018 Certified 03/28/2018 2
CBOESEF Changes to the composition of the Business Conduct Committee and Panels. 03/05/2018 Certified 03/19/2018 1
CBOESEF Changes to composition of Business Conduct Committee and Panels, introduction of PEN and RUB Contracts. 03/05/2018 Withdrawn 03/05/2018 1
SEED CX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments 03/05/2018 Notified 03/05/2018 1
GTX Amendments to the GTX SEF Rule Book. Please see table in the submission file for rule amendments. 02/16/2018 Certified 03/05/2018 1
LGX Submission of revised fee schedule. 02/13/2018 Certified 02/28/2018 1
TDERIV Expansion of trading hours for IRS products 02/16/2018 Notified 02/16/2018 1
ICE SEF ICE Swap Trade, LLC ("IST") is amending its Compliance Manual in order to clarify the process by which IST intends to implement and enforce certain of its rules. 02/01/2018 Certified 02/15/2018 1
NEXSEF Weekly Submission of Rule Amendments 02/02/2018 Notified 02/02/2018 2
CBOESEF Cboe SEF, LLC is submitting certain changes to its rulebook to, among other things, add a definition of "Minimum Tick Size," clarify the difference between Participant Data and SEF Market Data, and clarify applicable fitness standards. 01/17/2018 Certified 01/31/2018 1