Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX Provides for Direct Submission of EFP Trades by Clearing Members; Summarizes Specific Procedures, and the Form to be Used by Clearing Members. NYMEX No. 07.09 01/19/2007 Certified 01/26/2007 1
CBOT Eliminates Obsolete Reference to CBOT Holdings Class A-2 (Restricted) Shares as the Transfer Restrictions on Series A-2 Stock was lifted. CBOT No. 2758.01 01/23/2007 Certified 01/24/2007 1
NADEX Changes the HedgeStreet Trading Hours to 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST Trading Hours Had Been From 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). 01/24/2007 Certified 01/24/2007 1
CME Change to Opening Time for Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI) Contracts. CME No. 07-09 01/24/2007 Certified 01/24/2007 1
CME Revises Error Trade Rule ("Globex No Bust Ranges") to add the NYMEX 3-2-1 PLUS contract. CME 07.05 01/19/2007 Certified 01/22/2007 0
ICE US Notifies and Certifies Change in Ownership Due to ICE Acquiring NYBOT under Regulation 38.5(d). 01/19/2007 Certified 01/22/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
NADEX Removes All Rules Relating to Type of HedgeStreet Contract Formally Referred to as "Fixed Payout Hedgelet Contracts". 01/04/2007 Certified 01/19/2007 1
NYMEX Adopts Compliance Interpretive Notice 01-07 Regarding Trading in COMEX Metals Contracts and Amendments to Position Limit/Accountability Rules for Certain Cash-Settled COMEX Metals Contracts. NYMEX No. 07.02 01/09/2007 Certified 01/12/2007 1
CCFE Reverses Changes of 1-04-07 that Allowed Non-ECPS to Do Block Trades (Adding Back that Requirement). See CCFE FILAC No. 07-01 01/08/2007 Certified 01/09/2007 0
CCFE Amends Block Trade Rule to Remove Limitation on Trades to Allow Non-ECPs to Trade by Block Trades. CCFE No. 07-01 01/04/2007 Certified 01/08/2007 0
NYMEX Adopts a Block Trade Rule and Limits it to Trading Brent-TI Spreads. NYMEX Number 07.03. 01/04/2007 Certified 01/05/2007 1
CME Revises Globex No Bust Ranges to Add the No Bust Ranges for Newly Listed NYMEX Soft Commodity Products. See NYMEX Submission #07-20. CME No. 07-02 01/05/2007 Certified 01/05/2007 1
NYMEX Transfers Trading of New Six Soft Contracts to Globex and Deletes Electronic Trading Error Trade Procedures for Softs as will be Replaced by CME Error Trade Rules. See CME Submission #07-18. NYMEX No. 07.01 01/04/2007 Certified 01/04/2007 1
CBOT Revises Exchange Fee for Mini-sized Contract Permit Holders in Rough Rice, Establishes a Directed Fungbility fee, and Changes CBOT's List of Regular Facilities for Soybean Oil. CBOT No. 2755.01 01/04/2007 Certified 01/04/2007 0
CME Change in Trading Hours on Tuesday, January 2, 2007, for the Declared National Day of Mourning for Former President Gerald Ford. CME No. 06-120 01/02/2007 Certified 01/02/2007 1