Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NFX Allows Emergency Actions to be Determined by the PBOT President; Provides that the Conflict of Interest Provisions Apply and Requires that the Decision-Making Process and the Reasons be recorded. PBOT No. 2007-09 06/22/2007 Certified 06/28/2007 1
CBOT Revises the Exhibit I of the e-cbot Message Use Policy CBOT #2805.01 06/28/2007 Certified 06/28/2007 1
ICE US Provides for July 4th Holiday Trading Hours. NYBOT #07-38 06/28/2007 Certified 06/28/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
CBOT Extends Temporary Membership Privileges in 100oz Gold and 5,000 oz Silver Options for Holders of CBOT Series B-4 (IDEM) Membership Status through December 31, 2007. CBOT #2801.01 06/27/2007 Certified 06/27/2007 1
CBOT Extends through December 31, 2007, Temporary Trading Privileges for B-5(COM) Category Individuals for Covered Option Spreads in 100oz Gold and 5,000 oz Silver. CBOT #2802.01 06/27/2007 Certified 06/27/2007 1
NFX Adopts Notice to Members For Early Closure on July 3, 2007 PBOT #2007-11 06/27/2007 Certified 06/27/2007 1
NFX Adopts a Rule to alow EFP Transactions and amends the Limitation of Liability for PBOT XL, to explicitly Include Block Trades and EFP Transactions. PBOT No. 2007-08 06/19/2007 Certified 06/26/2007 1
NYMEX Requires a 15-Sec. Wait for Options Orders Before a User Can Cross Opposite a Customer; Requires a 15-Sec. Wait for Prearranged Trades before Opposite Order can be Entered; Includes Electronic Trading in Settlement Price Determination. NYMEX No. 07-77 06/21/2007 Certified 06/25/2007 1
CBOT Codifies the e-cbot No-Bust Error Trade Policy for CBOT Credit Default Swap Index futures. CBOT Submission #2800.01 06/22/2007 Certified 06/22/2007 1
NYMEX Raises the Clearing Member Minimum Contribution required from $2 million to $2.5 million; in conjunction, the Guaranty Fund is being Increased from $200 million to $250 million. NYMEX Submission 07.76 06/21/2007 Certified 06/22/2007 1
NYMEX Lists on Globex Selected Trading Months for Options on Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, and Silver. NYMEX No. 07-79 06/21/2007 Certified 06/21/2007 2
CME Adds the No-Bust Ranges for Credit Index Event Futures, NYMEX Energy Options and COMEX Metals Options and Removes NYMEX Sugar 14 Futures and Agricultural Options Contracts. CME Submission No. 07-45 06/18/2007 Certified 06/20/2007 1
NADEX Extension of HedgeStreet Market Maker Subsidary Pilot Program 06/20/2007 Certified 06/20/2007 1
CBOT Designates Credit Default Swap ("CDS") Index futures for Block Trading at a Minimum Size of 100 Contracts on an Outright Basis. CBOT Submission 2797.01 06/04/2007 Certified 06/15/2007 1
NYMEX Restricts cash disbursements made by NYMEX Clearing Members to their respective customers to a maximum of $5,000 during any single business week. NYMEX Submission No. 07.69 06/07/2007 Certified 06/15/2007 1
NYMEX Expands the Exchange of OTC Options for NYMEX Options ("EOO") Rule to Allow for EOO Transactions in Certain Calendar Spread Options (Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Reformulated Blend Unleaded Gasoline and Natural Gas). NYMEX Submission No. 07-64 06/07/2007 Certified 06/11/2007 1
NYMEX Adds to Block Trade Rule 6.21C three new Physically-Delivered Energy Futures Contracts. NYMEX No. 07.62 05/09/2007 Certified 06/11/2007 1
NFX Provides for clearing order type and clearing account prioritizes in the Orders and Quote Matching. PBOT-2007-06 04/26/2007 Certified 06/08/2007 1
OCX Amends Error Trade Nullification Policy by modifying the no bust range, adding the term Questioned Trade, permitting trades within the no bust range to be busted or adjusted if there were an Exchange system failure, and other changes. 06/01/2007 Certified 06/07/2007 1
CBOT Adds Credit Default Swap Index Futures to the list of contracts eligible to be traded as an EFS or EFR. CBOT 2796.01 06/04/2007 Certified 06/07/2007 1
NYMEX Deletes NYMEX Rule 9.04B (E-RAV Risk Filter) as it refers to a discontinued risk filter. Submission #07.68 05/31/2007 Certified 06/07/2007 1
ICE US Amend Rule 4.09-Expand the Permissible Price During the Post Close Trading Session; Amend Rule 27.02(vii)-Delete Certain Responsibilities from the Definition of a Responsible Individual. 07-33 05/22/2007 Certified 06/07/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
NADEX Cancels Free Trade Promotional Offer 05/31/2007 Certified 05/31/2007 1
CBOT Details Electronic Market Maker (EMM) Program for CBOT 30-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures. CBOT #2792.01 05/22/2007 Certified 05/30/2007 1
CBOT Establish a Phased Reduction in the Number of CBOT Holdings Shares which are Required for the Various Categories of Member Firm Registration. CBOT No.2790.01 05/17/2007 Certified 05/25/2007 1
CBOT Removes References to "Class A-3" and "Restricted" Shares of CBOT Holdings, Inc. Stock. CBOT #2793.01 05/23/2007 Certified 05/25/2007 1
NYMEX Amends Position Reporting as it Relates to Dubai Mercantile Exchange. NYMEX #07.45 05/21/2007 Certified 05/25/2007 1
CBOT Prohibits New Control Agreements for CBOT Holdings Stock (Control Agreements Enables Members to Allow Creditors to Dispose of the Memberships and/or Shares of Stock as Security for Payment of Specified Obligations. CBOT No. 2788.01 05/16/2007 Certified 05/24/2007 1
NFX Amends rules to reflect new PBOT XL trading system functionality. PBOT 2007-02 03/28/2007 Certified 05/23/2007 1
CBOT Adds a New Shares Reduction Schedule; Revised Fee Schedule for Agricultural Products CBOT #2794.01 05/23/2007 Certified 05/23/2007 1
CME Expanded Trading Hours for CME Fertilizer Products CME #07-40 05/17/2007 Certified 05/17/2007 1
CBOT Establishes Fees for the e-cbot (Electronic) Trading of mini-sized Agricultural Futures CBOT No. 2787.01 05/11/2007 Certified 05/14/2007 1
CBOT Codifies the e-cbot "No-Adjust" Range for CBOT mini-sized Corn, mini-sized Wheat and mini-sized Soybean Futures. CBOT No. 2786.01 05/10/2007 Certified 05/10/2007 1
NYMEX Expands Application of NYMEX Rule 6.21 to Allow for EOO Transactions (Exchange of OTC Otions for NYMEX Options) in Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Reformulated Blend Unleaded Gasoline Options. NYMEX #07-56 05/03/2007 Certified 05/09/2007 1
USFE Provides Interpretation of Rule 940 - Binary Event Futures 04/27/2007 Certified 05/04/2007 1
KCBT Clarifies that Orders Entered for Execution During Normal Trading Hours Remain Executable During the Post Settlement Session Unless Cancelled. 05/02/2007 Certified 05/04/2007 1
NYMEX Aligns NYMEX's system Time for Submission of Long Open Interest Reports for Futures and Options (to 10:00 a.m.). NYMEX #07.57 05/03/2007 Certified 05/03/2007 1
CME Adds to the Globex No Bust Range list, the Weekly Average Temperature Index, NYMEX Gulf Coast ULSD, NYMEX New York ULSD, NYMEX Gulf Coast Gas and NYMEX Uranium contracts. CME #07-33 05/01/2007 Certified 05/01/2007 1
KCBT Broadens the Trade Price Range in the Post Settlement Session Trading Period. 04/26/2007 Certified 04/26/2007 1
NFX Provides Trading Hours, Block Size, No Bust Range, etc. for Foreign Currency Futures Contracts. PBOT-2007-05 04/26/2007 Certified 04/26/2007 1
NFX Provides Fee Schedule with Respect to World Currency Futures Contracts. PBOT-2007-07 04/26/2007 Certified 04/26/2007 1
CME Clarifies the Pre-Execution Discussion of Trades Under the GLOBEX Call Market Trading Algorithm to Explicitly Identify Applicable Contracts. CME No. 07-24 04/11/2007 Certified 04/24/2007 1
CME Allows EFRs (the exchange of an agricultural or other commodity futures position by counterparties in an OTC commodity swap); similar to EFPs and EBFs (Exchange Basis Facility). CME #07-31 04/19/2007 Certified 04/19/2007 1
CME Expands Globex Trading Hours for CME Agricultural Commodities and Earlier Opening Times for Lean Hogs and Frozen Pork Bellies. CME #07-29 04/18/2007 Certified 04/18/2007 1
CBOT Establishes e-cbot (electronic) Trading Hours for Mini-Sized Corn, Soybean and Wheat Futures. CBOT No. 2782.01 04/17/2007 Certified 04/17/2007 1
CBOT Provides e-cbot (Electronic) Trading Privileges to Mini-Sized Contract Permit Holders, as well as Open Outcry. CBOT No. 2783.01 04/17/2007 Certified 04/17/2007 1
MGE Grants Board of Directors authority to appoint a designee to increase or decrease margin levels. 03/30/2007 Certified 04/12/2007 1
CBOT Good Friday trading schedule. CBOT No. 2779.01. 04/03/2007 Certified 04/04/2007 1
ICE US Deletes EFP and EFS reporting and submission procedures from rules and placed in exchange procedures. NYBOT 07-24. See also FILAC #08-05 regarding new reporting procedures. 03/23/2007 Certified 03/30/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
ICE US Amendment to 2007 holiday schedule: Closing times for Good Friday April 6. NYBOT no. 07-26. 03/30/2007 Certified 03/30/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1