Commissioner Scott D. O'Malia

Date Commissioner Scott D. O'Malia
Concurring Statement, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Strategic Plan FY 2011-2015
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Twelfth Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under The Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Dissent of Commissioner Scott D. O’Malia To Fiscal Year 2012 President’s Budget & Performance Plan
Commissioner Scott O'malia
Derivatives Reform: Preparing for Change
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Tenth Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Statement, Prior to Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – Position Limits for Derivatives
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Eighth Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Seventh Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Dissent of Commissioner Jill E. Sommers and Commissioner Scott D. O’Malia
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Sixth Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, CFTC Business Meeting to Consider Various Rulemakings
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Fourth Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Third Series of Proposed Rulemakings Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Second Series Of Proposed Rulemakings Under The Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Keynote Address at the 13th Annual Energy & Commodities Conference
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement, Chairman CFTC – Technology Advisory Committee
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement on Public Meeting Governance, Financial Resources, Interim Final Rule: Pre-Enactment Swaps
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Concurring Statement, Open Meeting on First Series of Proposed Rules Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Concurring Statement Regarding the Treatment of Petitions Seeking Grandfather Relief Pursuant to Section 723 of the Dodd-Frank Act for Trading Activity Done in Reliance Upon Section 2(h)(1)-(2)
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Concurring Statement Regarding the Proposal for the Account Ownership and Control Report
Commissioner Scott O'malia
Statement of Commissioner Scott D. O’Malia Joint CFTC/FERC Roundtable Discussion on CCRO Whitepaper Regarding
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Statement, Meeting of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to Discuss: Futures and Binary Options Based on Box Office Receipts
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Statement of Commissioner Scott D. O’Malia on Cantor Futures Exchange, L.P. Order of Designation as a Contract Market
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Opening Statement at the Public Meeting to Examine Futures and Options Trading in the Metals Markets
Commissioner Scott O'Malia
Concurrence Statement to Seriatim Regarding Statement of Gary Gensler Chairman Before Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Commissioner Scott O'Malia