Overview of the FY 2014 Budget & Performance Plan
Summary of FY 2014 Budget Request by Object Class

Summary of FY 2012 to FY 2014 Budget Request by Object Class
Dollars in Thousands
  FY 2012
FY 2013
FY 2013
FY 2014
11.1-11.5 Personnel Compensation $98,338 $102,930 $147,300 $151,340
12.1 Personnel Benefits: Civilian 28,491 28,920 42,400 43,560
13.0 Benefits for Former Personnel 103 0 0 0
21.0 Travel and Transportation of Persons 1,926 1,650 2,200 2,700
22.0 Transportation of Things 79 200 100 100
23.2 Rental Payments to Others 14,855 19,480 20,000 21,000
23.3 Communications, Utilities and Miscellaneous 4,205 5,000 6,700 8,000
24.0 Printing and Reproduction 327 200 1,200 1,200
25.0 Other Services 40,723 40,470 73,899 73,599
26.0 Supplies and Materials 1,567 400 1,200 1,300
31.0 Equipment 7,442 7,300 13,000 12,200
32.0 Building/Fixed Equipment 1 0 1 1
42.0 Claims/Indemnities 2 0 0 0
99.0 Subtotal, Direct Obligations 199,059 206,550 308,000 315,000
99.0 Reimbursable 147 0 0 0
99.0 Total Obligations $199,206 $206,550 $308,000 $315,000

$315 Million Budget Request by Object Class

Pie chart showing the $315 million Budget Request by Object Class. Values are as follows:

Compensation and Benefits: 62%.
Travel and Transportation: 1%.
Space Rental: 7%.
Communications and Utilities: 3%.
Other Services: 23%.
Supplies and Printing: greater than 1%.
Equipment: 4%.