The Commission's ability to achieve its mission of protecting the public, derivative market participants, the U.S. economy and the U.S. position in global markets is driven by well-informed and reasoned executive direction, strong and focused management, and an efficiently-resourced, dedicated, and productive workforce. To ensure the Commission's continued success, the Commission's Executive Director directs the effective and efficient allocation of CFTC resources, develops, implements and provides oversight to management and administrative policy and activities, and ensures Commission performance is measured and tracked Commission-wide. Administration Management and Support is administered by the Office of the Executive Director, which includes the following offices: Business Management and Planning, Counsel to the Executive Director, Financial Management, Human Resources, Logistics and Operations, Privacy, Records, Proceedings (reparations), Secretariat and the Library.
FY 2014 Budget Overview by Mission Activity
Breakout of Administrative Management and Support Request by Mission Activity
Dollars in Thousands
Salaries and Expenses |
IT |
Total |
Agency Direction, Management and Administrative Support |
86 |
$20,500 |
$0 |
$20,500 |
Total |
86 |
$20,500 |
$0 |
$20,500 |
Top FY 2012 Accomplishments
- CFTC Reorganization:
- New organizational structure implemented, highlighted by establishment of: Division of Clearing and Risk, Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight, and the Office of Data and Technology;
- Identification and Hiring of Key Leadership Positions;
- Assignment/Re-assignment of staff to new Divisions and Offices, including drafting of new career ladders and associated position descriptions as required; and
- Office of the Executive Director augmentation and re-alignment to achieve objectives and efficiencies, including: 1) Establishment of Office of Consumer Outreach and Whistleblower Office, 2) Reorganization of the Office of Proceedings, including the elimination of the Administrative Law Judge positions; 3) Reorganization of the Office of the Secretariat.
- Management Framework:
- High level priorities and projects tracked and reported through strategic and operational planning process;
- Budget Project Activity Codes re-engineered; and
- CFTCnet (new intranet) implemented and stabilized.
- Learning & Development:
- Expanded in-house legal and technical training toward strategic objective of comprehensive regulatory training program; and
- Began development of leadership and management training curriculum.
- Automation of key business processes, specifically:
- Implementation of an automated hiring system including deployment for several classifications of employees;
- Acquisition of enterprise business information system to automate and standardize budget formulation, data utilized for resource management and agency spend plan data; and
- Increased utilization of agency intranet CFTCnet as a collaborative workspace sharing and communication portal.
Top FY 2013 President's Budget & Performance Planned Outcomes
- CFTC-wide annual operating plans developed and in place.
- Implement new Budget Program Activity Codes.
- Implement web-based time and attendance system.
- Optimize automated hiring system demonstrating a reduction in FTE dedicated to recruiting and staffing.
- Reduce time to hire by 10 percent over FY 2012.
- Procure and implement enterprise-wide business information system providing standardized, authoritative source data for budget formulation, budget execution, and archival change records.
Top FY 2014 President's Budget & Performance Planned Outcomes
- Refine and optimize usage of cost accounting codes with error rate documented at less than one percent in conjunction with optimized web based time and attendance system.
- Improve time to hire by 10 percent over previous year.
- Obtain Top 10 rating in government employee viewpoint survey and incorporate survey information into human capital strategic planning.
- Survey and compile feedback on CFTC's internal mentoring program; develop program improvement plan based on feedback.