
Title: 09-38


The CPO requested relief from the requirement of Regulation 4.7(b) that the Pool file a certified Annual Report within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2009. The CPO requested permission to file a single, certified Annual Report for the Pool for the 13-month period from July 1, 2008 through July 24, 2009, upon which date the Pool ceased trading and distributed funds to participants.


Title: 09-36


The Division of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight issued an interpretation that a charitable foundation would not be a commodity pool, and that its directors would not be commodity pool operators, if the foundation traded commodity interests. This interpretation was based on, among others, representations that: (1) no current or future donor to the foundation will be entitled to receive any of the assets, net earnings, income or profits of the foundation; and (2) no (other) charitable organization has any entitlement, on an annual or other basis, to a contribution from the foundation.


Title: 09-35


The CPO of a commodity pool with the majority of its assets embroiled in a bankruptcy requested relief from the ongoing reporting requirements under Part 4. The CPO filed an Annual Report for the Pool for the 2008 fiscal year, which contained information regarding the bankruptcy.


Title: 09-32


The CPOs of two pools requested an extension of time for the filing of the pools’ 2008 annual reports beyond June 29, 2009 due to a delay in the receipt of financial statements from investee pools. DCIO determined that the interests of participants in receiving timely information outweighed the CPOs’ hardship and DENIED the request.


Title: 09-31


The CPO of a pool requested permission to file a 15-month annual report for the period from October 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009 due to a change in the pool’s fiscal year end. Pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a), DCIO granted the relief requested.


Title: 09-29


The CPO of commodity pool requested relief to use IFRS in lieu of US GAAP. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-28


The CPO of commodity pool requested relief to use IFRS in lieu of US GAAP. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-27


The Division of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight confirmed that a person registered as an investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission: (1) would come within the CTA definition in Section 1a(6) of the Act if it offered as part of its comprehensive portfolio management a “managed futures account” component; and (2) would be required to register as a CTA with the Commission unless an exemption from registration was available to it.


Title: 09-26


The CPO of commodity pool requested relief to use IFRS in lieu of US GAAP. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).


Title: 09-18


The CPO of commodity pool requested relief to use IFRS in lieu of US GAAP. DCIO granted relief pursuant to Commission Regulations 140.93 and 4.12(a).