Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification revisions to its rules related to the attribution of: (i) market profits or losses in a client default management account ("DMA"), and (ii) auction losses during the management of a clearing member default. 12/01/2021 Certified 12/15/2021 4
ICLREU2 ICEU Limited proposes to modify its Delivery Procedures to add a new Part N1 to address ICE Futures US Emissions Futures Contracts which would be settled by delivery through the account of the Clearing House with the relevant registry. 12/01/2021 Certified 12/15/2021 2
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 105-21 relating to the discontinuation of clearing services for certain futures, fee reduction for MSCI Index Futures, and harmonizing contractual penalties under Fixed Income Futures Contracts 12/02/2021 Certified 12/15/2021 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 6, 2021 12/13/2021 Notified 12/13/2021 1
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 29, 2021 12/10/2021 Notified 12/10/2021 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 12/10/2021 Notified 12/10/2021 2
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 103-21 relating to harmonizing the Default Management Committee convention rules, the Default Management Process for the Bond Liquidation Group, and the Default Management Process for FX Rolling Spot Futures 11/24/2021 Certified 12/08/2021 2
CME Delisting of Four (4) Commodity Index Forward Swap Contracts 12/06/2021 Certified 12/06/2021 2
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self-Certification: Benchmark Reform - Additional Rates Conversion Rule Changes 11/18/2021 Certified 12/03/2021 1
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Investment Policy 11/22/2021 Withdrawn 12/03/2021 2
CME Modification of Cleared OTC GBP, JPY and CHF Interest Rate Swap Products Referencing LIBOR and Limitation of Acceptance for Clearing 11/17/2021 Certified 12/02/2021 1
EUREX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 29, 2021 12/02/2021 Notified 12/02/2021 1
MGEX Revisions to Risk Manual 11/15/2021 Certified 11/30/2021 2
ICE NGX RMF Changes re Banking & Treasury Improvement Project 11/12/2021 Certified 11/29/2021 2
CME Amendments to the Bloomberg Commodity Index Swaps (Cleared OTC) and the Bloomberg Commodity Index Futures Contracts and Amendments to Related CBOT Transaction Fees. 11/12/2021 Certified 11/29/2021 1
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 22, 2021 11/29/2021 Notified 11/29/2021 1
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification revisions to its rules related to clearing Bloomberg Short-Term Bank Yield swaps. 11/11/2021 Certified 11/26/2021 4
CME Administrative Modifications to CME Clearing's Liquidity Risk Management Framework 11/09/2021 Certified 11/24/2021 2
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule for Over-the-Counter ("OTC") Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") 11/09/2021 Certified 11/24/2021 1
LCHLTD LCH is submitting for self-certification revisions to align the provisions that address the change of interest rate for determining the Price Alignment Amount in the LCH FCM Procedures with those under LCH Procedure 2C. 11/08/2021 Certified 11/23/2021 3
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Collateral Policy 11/08/2021 Certified 11/23/2021 2
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Schedule of Acceptable Performance Bond 11/08/2021 Certified 11/23/2021 1
ICECC ICC proposes changes to the ICC End-of-Day Price Discovery Policies and Procedures. 11/05/2021 Certified 11/22/2021 2
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Risk Management Framework 11/05/2021 Certified 11/22/2021 2
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Credit Risk Assessment Methodology Policy 11/05/2021 Certified 11/22/2021 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 15, 2021 11/22/2021 Notified 11/22/2021 1
LCHLTD LCH plans to begin accepting Caisse D'amort Dette Soc (Cades) securities as collateral to meet initial margin requirements. 11/05/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
ICLR US Amendments to the ICE Clear U.S. Risk Management Framework 09/01/2021 Approved 11/19/2021 2
ICECC ICC proposes to formalize the Counterparty Monitoring Procedures and the Credit Rating System Model Description and Parameterization. 11/04/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe Limited proposes to amend its Liquidity Management Procedures and Investment Management Procedures to make certain clarifications and updates 11/04/2021 Certified 11/19/2021 2
OCC Certification of Updates to the Service Level Agreement Between OCC and CME under the Second Amended and Restated Cross-Margining Agreement 11/03/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
OCC Certification to correct The Options Clearing Corporation's schedule of fees 11/03/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
CME Revisions to the Service Level Agreement between Options Clearing Corporation and Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. 11/03/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 098-21 relating to the clearing introduction for the risk-free reference rate based OTC XCCY Transactions in the currency pair GBP/USD 11/04/2021 Certified 11/18/2021 2
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 093-21 relating to inclusion of requirements for proof of own fund requirements for entities subject to IFD and IFR, migration of collateral management for Repo and alignment of FCM Default Rules 11/01/2021 Certified 11/16/2021 3
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 095-21 relating to amending the Price List to allow for FX Derivatives with quote currency Australian Dollar, and minor changes to the Eurex Clearing GTC technical connection agreement 11/01/2021 Certified 11/16/2021 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 8, 2021 11/15/2021 Notified 11/15/2021 1
ICLREU2 ICEU proposes to modify its Collateral and Haircut Procedures to include explicitly the formula used for calculating Permitted Cover value, and provide further details on the ICEU's procedures for monitoring data related to collateral valuations 10/29/2021 Certified 11/15/2021 2
LX Weekly notification, withdrawal fee change 11/12/2021 Notified 11/12/2021 1
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 092-21 relating to the revision of the initial-margin model-parameters of the stress period VaR floor 10/28/2021 Certified 11/12/2021 2
EUREX Proposed amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 096-21 relating to conversion of GBP, CHF, and JPY trades referencing LIBOR benchmarks, OIS with four Interest Rate Stub Periods, due date changes for cash settlements under options contracts on shares 10/28/2021 Certified 11/12/2021 2
OCC Proposed Rule Change Concerning Revisions to the Titles of Certain Options Clearing Corporation Personnel. 10/28/2021 Certified 11/12/2021 2
EUREX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 8, 2021 11/11/2021 Notified 11/11/2021 1
MGEX Notice of margin changes 11/11/2021 Notified 11/11/2021 1
LX Compliance Manual Amendments 10/27/2021 Certified 11/10/2021 3
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of November 1, 2021 11/08/2021 Notified 11/08/2021 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Group and/or Risk Working Group. 11/05/2021 Notified 11/05/2021 2
LX Updated Operations Manual 10/23/2021 Certified 11/05/2021 3
LCHLTD LCH will make one correction to its ForexClear Fee Schedule. Additionally, LCH will correct an error in its Rules related to the maximum settlement date for a ForexClear non-deliverable option contract. 10/21/2021 Certified 11/04/2021 3
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe proposes to add a new Part 24 to the ICE Clear Europe Clearing Rules which would set out certain procedures relating to LIBOR transition for affected interest rate futures and option contracts cleared by the Clearing House 10/20/2021 Certified 11/03/2021 2