Clearing Organization Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 019-19 related to amending the Price List to introduce an alternative version of the existing Standard Pricing Model for Disclosed Clients with System Access or Basic Disclosed Clients with Reports 02/25/2019 Certified 03/11/2019 2
ICLREU2 Changes is to amend ICEU Rules to address certain requirements under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) upon the UK ceasing to be an EU member state. 02/25/2019 Certified 03/11/2019 2
LCHLTD Self-certification for the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee terms of reference 02/22/2019 Certified 03/08/2019 4
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 03/08/2019 Notified 03/08/2019 2
LCHLTD The SwapClear service has onboarded Tradeweb EU B.V. as a new trading venue 03/08/2019 Notified 03/08/2019 1
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 25 February 2019. 03/06/2019 Notified 03/06/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 016-19 related to updating the Force Majeure Clause amendments set forth in Rule Certification 007-19 and accompanying Eurex Clearing Circular 007-19 02/19/2019 Certified 03/05/2019 2
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes to formalize the ICC Risk Parameter Setting and Review Policy. 02/19/2019 Certified 03/05/2019 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is adopting a new Model Risk Governance Framework (the "MRGF"), which is intended to establish overall standards and principles for managing and mitigating model risk, for all product categories. 02/19/2019 Certified 03/05/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of February 25, 2019 03/05/2019 Notified 03/05/2019 1
LCHLTD The SwapClear service has onboarded HPA SA (OTCex Group) as a new trading venue 03/04/2019 Notified 03/04/2019 1
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 013-19 related to new bunched orders functionality for non-U.S. clearing members to facilitate the clearing of OTC Interest Rate Derivative block trades 02/14/2019 Certified 03/01/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 014-19 related to considering take-up volumes for rebate calculations to mitigate the negative impacts resulting from new Brexit-related structures that many market participants are implementing 02/14/2019 Certified 03/01/2019 2
LCHLTD Correction of cross-references relating to the LCH Limited Prescribed Language in the relevant part of the rulebook. 03/01/2019 Notified 03/01/2019 1
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 03/01/2019 Notified 03/01/2019 2
CME Modifications to the Fee Schedule for Over-the-Counter ("OTC") Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") 02/13/2019 Certified 02/28/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self-certification of a new Schedule of Securities Acceptable for Margin Cover Purposes (Margin Collateral Haircut Change) 02/12/2019 Certified 02/27/2019 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Delivery Procedures to add a new Section 10 and a new Part DD regarding delivery procedures relating to a new Permian West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Storage Futures Contract. 02/12/2019 Certified 02/27/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of February 18, 2019 02/27/2019 Notified 02/27/2019 1
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes to formalize the ICC Back-Testing Framework. 02/11/2019 Certified 02/26/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 18 February 2019. 02/25/2019 Notified 02/25/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circualr 012-19 related to reflect the migration of the Irish Stock Exchange's trading and other services, previously provided by Deutsche Brse AG, to the systems of Euronext Group 02/07/2019 Certified 02/22/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 11 February 2019. 02/21/2019 Notified 02/21/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of February 11, 2019 02/21/2019 Notified 02/21/2019 1
CME Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 930.C. ("Acceptable Performance BondDeposits") Permitting Clearing Members to Accept Fully Collateralized Letters of Credit as Performance Bond. 02/05/2019 Certified 02/20/2019 2
NODALCL Amendments to the Fee Schedules for Environmental Futures and Options 02/05/2019 Certified 02/20/2019 3
LCHLTD LCH LTD is filing a self certification for changes to the ForexClear tariffs. 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 1
OCC Proposed rule change concerning changes to The Options Clearing Corporation's management structure. 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self Certification: Rule Changes on Rates Default Fund Allocation 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self-Certification: SwapClear tenor extensions 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self Certification: Rule Changes on the addition of Non-Deliverable Swaps as eligible SwapClear products 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self-Certification: Approved Compression Service Providers (ACSPs) changes 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 1
LCHLTD LCH Limited Self Certification 02/01/2019 Certified 02/15/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 011-19 related to implementing, for open positions in Total Return Futures on STOXXr Indices, a daily accrued maintenance fee in addition to transaction fees for matching and registration of transactions 01/31/2019 Certified 02/14/2019 2
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of February 4, 2019 02/14/2019 Notified 02/14/2019 1
CME Modifications to CME Clearing Manual of Operations 01/30/2019 Certified 02/13/2019 2
LCHLTD LCH Limited is submitting for self-certification changes to its rules regarding enhancements to the trade registration process in the ForexClear service. 01/30/2019 Certified 02/13/2019 1
ICLR US Amendments to the ICUS Risk Management Framework to enhance the Clearing Member Watch List system. 01/29/2019 Certified 02/12/2019 2
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes to formalize the ICC New Initiatives Approval Policy and Procedural Framework. 01/28/2019 Certified 02/11/2019 2
ICE NGX Amendments to Schedule "F" - Physically Settled Gas Futures - Canadian Delivery Points of the Contracting Party Agreement 01/04/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 1
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 003-19 related to introduction of futures on STOXXr ESG-X, Low Carbon, and Climate Impact indexes 01/07/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 004-19 related to introduction of futures and options on the STOXXr Europe Select 50 Index 01/14/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
SGX-DC Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of 28 January 2019. 02/08/2019 Notified 02/08/2019 2
ICECC ICC hereby submits notification of changes to risk parameters established by ICC in consultation with the ICC Risk Committee, Trading Advisory Committee and/or Risk Working Group. 02/08/2019 Notified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 007-19 related to accounting for the increasing degree of uncertainty Eurex Clearing is facing with respect to cross-border regulation 01/25/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 009-19 related to Eurex Repo's introduction of a new GC Pooling trading functionality, which would allow settlement of the front leg of non-same day GC Pooling trades early in the morning 01/25/2019 Certified 02/08/2019 2
EUREX Proposed rule amendments in Eurex Clearing Circular 112-18 related to clarifying that all variation margin payments associated with futures and options transactions concluded at Eurex Deutschland constitute settlement payments 12/21/2018 Certified 02/08/2019 2
MGEX Rule amendments are part of an overall reorganization that includes changes for greater clarity and efficiency. 12/21/2018 Certified 02/08/2019 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe proposes to amend certain provisions of its Clearing Rules (and specifically its Continuing CDS Rule Provisions) relating to termination by the Clearing House of the membership of a CDS Clearing Member. 01/24/2019 Certified 02/07/2019 2
ICLR US Revisions to the ICUS Risk Management Framework to increase the adjustment period used in theoretical stress scenarios. 12/24/2018 Certified 02/07/2019 2